Constructor of Type Int

Constructor of type int

First and second are exactly same as both are initialization. Third one is different, as this is assignment. These differences are as per the C++ Standard. However, the compiler can treat all three as same!

Why does constructor choose type INT instead of SHORT when invoked with a parameter of type CHAR?

The result of integral promotion is int (not short) for char; and promotions (e.g. char -> int) have higher ranking than other conversions (e.g. char -> short) in overload resolution.

prvalues of small integral types (such as char) may be converted to prvalues of larger integral types (such as int).

  • signed char or signed short can be converted to int;
  • unsigned char, char8_t (since C++20) or unsigned short can be converted to int if it can hold its entire value range, and unsigned int otherwise;
  • char can be converted to int or unsigned int depending on the underlying type: signed char or unsigned char (see above);

and (emphasis mine)

Note that all other conversions are not promotions; for example, overload resolution chooses char -> int (promotion) over char -> short (conversion).

Do built-in types have default constructors?

A constructor is a member function (constructors are fully specified in clause 12 of the C++ Standard, which covers special member functions like constructors and destructors).

A member function can only be defined for a class type (C++03 9.3/1 says "Functions declared in the definition of a class, excluding those declared with a friend specifier, are called member functions of that class").

So non-class types (including fundamental types, array types, reference types, pointer types, and enum types) do not have constructors.

I don't have a copy of The C++ Programming Language to read the context of the quote that "Built-in types also have default constructors," but I would guess that Stroustrup is either using the term "constructor" in a loose, non-technical sense, or the meaning of the term or the way in which it is used in the Standard changed between when the book was published and when the language was standardized. I'd guess the former is far more likely than the latter.

custom constructors for built-in types in c++

Well, there is no constructor for a basic pointer - in the sense that there is no function implicitly called in order to initialise the pointer.

The closest you can come is to use a user-defined conversion operator function

class Entity

operator int *();

Entity::operator int *()
// return something appropriate that is of type int *

// sample usage in a function somewhere

int *p = some_entity; // implicitly conversion that calls the operator int *()

int *another_p = static_cast<int *>(some_entity); // explicit conversion

int *yet_another_p = some_entity.operator int *();

There are variants of this, depending on what form of const qualification is needed (e.g. if the operator function doesn't change the object it acts on, it should be const and may be defined as operator const int *()).

It is necessary to ensure that the pointer returned by the operator function is treated appropriately. If the user defined operator function returns a member of some_entity, it cannot be used once some_entity ceases to exist. Similarly, if it uses dynamic memory allocation (e.g. return the result of a new expression) the caller must explicitly release that memory to avoid a memory leak.

Constructors with the same primitive type as parameter

It's not possible to have same name and same signature for two methods or constructors.

In your case if you call new Data(10) to create an instance of Data the compiler won't know which constructor to call to create the instance.

You can have a second boolean argument to mention what kind of instance to be created.

public Data(int size, boolean isQueue)//constructor
len = 0;
Queue = new int[size];
front = -1;
rear = -1;
this.size = size;
this.stackArray = new int[size]; = -1;

JLS: §8.4.2 Method Signature

Is ok to have one constructor for each built in data types C++

The only reason you should make more than one constructor is if extra handling or conversion logic is required. For example:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

class myClass

unsigned long long int words;// public for ease of example

// will consume anything convertable to unsigned long long
myClass(unsigned long long int val) :

// will consume anything convertable to std::string, and then convert
// the string to unsigned long long
myClass(std::string val) :


int main()
std::cout << myClass{ 10 }.words << ": 10" << std::endl;
std::cout << myClass{ -10 }.words << ": -10 (Two's compliment wrap)" << std::endl;
std::cout << myClass{ 3.14 }.words << ": 3.14 (Truncated)" << std::endl;
std::cout << myClass{ "10" }.words << ": \"10\"" << std::endl;
std::cout << myClass{ "-10" }.words << ": \"-10\" (Two's compliment wrap)" << std::endl;

10 is converted easily. -10 and 3.14 are converted, but will generate warnings because the value will be damaged by the translation. "10" and "-10" will be accepted by the string-parametered constructor, but "-10" will be mangled by std::stoull. Additional logic, and probably use of strtoull, will be required to handle this, if required.

What is this weird colon-member ( : ) syntax in the constructor?

It's a member initialization list. You should find information about it in any good C++ book.

You should, in most cases, initialize all member objects in the member initialization list (however, do note the exceptions listed at the end of the FAQ entry).

The takeaway point from the FAQ entry is that,

All other things being equal, your code will run faster if you use initialization lists rather than assignment.

Does C++ constructor return an object?

Indeed a constructor doesn't have a return value.

But Number(10) is an object of type Number. And that is an expression with a value.

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