Concurrency: Atomic and Volatile in C++11 Memory Model

Concurrency: Atomic and volatile in C++11 memory model

Firstly, volatile does not imply atomic access. It is designed for things like memory mapped I/O and signal handling. volatile is completely unnecessary when used with std::atomic, and unless your platform documents otherwise, volatile has no bearing on atomic access or memory ordering between threads.

If you have a global variable which is shared between threads, such as:

std::atomic<int> ai;

then the visibility and ordering constraints depend on the memory ordering parameter you use for operations, and the synchronization effects of locks, threads and accesses to other atomic variables.

In the absence of any additional synchronization, if one thread writes a value to ai then there is nothing that guarantees that another thread will see the value in any given time period. The standard specifies that it should be visible "in a reasonable period of time", but any given access may return a stale value.

The default memory ordering of std::memory_order_seq_cst provides a single global total order for all std::memory_order_seq_cst operations across all variables. This doesn't mean that you can't get stale values, but it does mean that the value you do get determines and is determined by where in this total order your operation lies.

If you have 2 shared variables x and y, initially zero, and have one thread write 1 to x and another write 2 to y, then a third thread that reads both may see either (0,0), (1,0), (0,2) or (1,2) since there is no ordering constraint between the operations, and thus the operations may appear in any order in the global order.

If both writes are from the same thread, which does x=1 before y=2 and the reading thread reads y before x then (0,2) is no longer a valid option, since the read of y==2 implies that the earlier write to x is visible. The other 3 pairings (0,0), (1,0) and (1,2) are still possible, depending how the 2 reads interleave with the 2 writes.

If you use other memory orderings such as std::memory_order_relaxed or std::memory_order_acquire then the constraints are relaxed even further, and the single global ordering no longer applies. Threads don't even necessarily have to agree on the ordering of two stores to separate variables if there is no additional synchronization.

The only way to guarantee you have the "latest" value is to use a read-modify-write operation such as exchange(), compare_exchange_strong() or fetch_add(). Read-modify-write operations have an additional constraint that they always operate on the "latest" value, so a sequence of ai.fetch_add(1) operations by a series of threads will return a sequence of values with no duplicates or gaps. In the absence of additional constraints, there's still no guarantee which threads will see which values though. In particular, it is important to note that the use of an RMW operation does not force changes from other threads to become visible any quicker, it just means that if the changes are not seen by the RMW then all threads must agree that they are later in the modification order of that atomic variable than the RMW operation. Stores from different threads can still be delayed by arbitrary amounts of time, depending on when the CPU actually issues the store to memory (rather than just its own store buffer), physically how far apart the CPUs executing the threads are (in the case of a multi-processor system), and the details of the cache coherency protocol.

Working with atomic operations is a complex topic. I suggest you read a lot of background material, and examine published code before writing production code with atomics. In most cases it is easier to write code that uses locks, and not noticeably less efficient.

Does standard C++11 guarantee that `volatile atomicT` has both semantics (volatile + atomic)?

Yes, it does.

Section 29.6.5, "Requirements for operations on atomic types"

Many operations are volatile-qualified. The “volatile as device register” semantics have not changed in the standard. This qualification means that volatility is preserved when applying these operations to volatile objects.

I checked working drafts 2008 through 2016, and the same text is in all of them. Therefore it should apply C++11, C++14, and C++17.

Are concurrent changes on a volatile array atomic and visible to all threads?

Short Answer:


Long Answer:

From the GNU C Manual:

volatile tells the compiler that the variable is explicitly changeable, and seemingly useless accesses of the variable (for instance, via pointers) should not be optimized away. You might use volatile variables to store data that is updated via callback functions or signal handlers. Sequence Points and Signal Delivery.

This does not mean that variables with the volatile keyword necessarily will necessarily fulfill the conditions you asked.

If you want to have an array with both visibility and atomicity you should use mutexes, the specifics will of course depend on your goals.

What's the difference between T, volatile T, and std::atomicT?

The test seems to indicate that the sample is correct but it is not. Similar code could easily end up in production and might even run flawlessly for years.

We can start off by compiling the sample with -O3. Now, the sample hangs indefinitely. (The default is -O0, no optimization / debug-consistency, which is somewhat similar to making every variable volatile, which is the reason the test didn't reveal the code as unsafe.)

To get to the root cause, we have to inspect the generated assembly. First, the GCC 4.8.5 -O0 based x86_64 assembly corresponding to the un-optimized working binary:

        // Thread B:
// shared = 42;
movq -8(%rbp), %rax
movq (%rax), %rax
movq $42, (%rax)

// Thread A:
// while (shared != 42) {
// }
movq -32(%rbp), %rax # Check shared every iteration
cmpq $42, %rax
jne .L11

Thread B executes a simple store of the value 42 in shared.
Thread A reads shared for each loop iteration until the comparison indicates equality.

Now, we compare that to the -O3 outcome:

        // Thread B:
// shared = 42;
movq 8(%rdi), %rax
movq $42, (%rax)

// Thread A:
// while (shared != 42) {
// }
cmpq $42, (%rsp) # check shared once
je .L87 # and skip the infinite loop or not
jmp .L88 # infinite loop

Optimizations associated with -O3 replaced the loop with a single comparison and, if not equal, an infinite loop to match the expected behavior. With GCC 10.2, the loop is optimized out. (Unlike C, infinite loops with no side-effects or volatile accesses are undefined behaviour in C++.)

The problem is that the compiler and its optimizer are not aware of the implementation's concurrency implications. Consequently, the conclusion needs to be that shared cannot change in thread A - the loop is equivalent to dead code. (Or to put it another way, data races are UB, and the optimizer is allowed to assume that the program doesn't encounter UB. If you're reading a non-atomic variable, that must mean nobody else is writing it. This is what allows compilers to hoist loads out of loops, and similarly sink stores, which are very valuable optimizations for the normal case of non-shared variables.)

The solution requires us to communicate to the compiler that shared is involved in inter-thread communication. One way to accomplish that may be volatile. While the actual meaning of volatile varies across compilers and guarantees, if any, are compiler-specific, the general consensus is that volatile prevents the compiler from optimizing volatile accesses in terms of register-based caching. This is essential for low-level code that interacts with hardware and has its place in concurrent programming, albeit with a downward trend due to the introduction of std::atomic.

With volatile int64_t shared, the generated instructions change as follows:

        // Thread B:
// shared = 42;
movq 24(%rdi), %rax
movq $42, (%rax)

// Thread A:
// while (shared != 42) {
// }
movq 8(%rsp), %rax
cmpq $42, %rax
jne .L87

The loop cannot be eliminated anymore as it must be assumed that shared changed even though there's no evidence of that in the form of code. As a result, the sample now works with -O3.

If volatile fixes the issue, why would you ever need std::atomic? Two aspects relevant for lock-free code are what makes std::atomic essential: memory operation atomicity and memory order.

To build the case for load/store atomicity, we review the generated assembly compiled with GCC4.8.5 -O3 -m32 (the 32-bit version) for volatile int64_t shared:

        // Thread B:
// shared = 42;
movl 4(%esp), %eax
movl 12(%eax), %eax
movl $42, (%eax)
movl $0, 4(%eax)

// Thread A:
// while (shared != 42) {
// }
.L88: # do {
movl 40(%esp), %eax
movl 44(%esp), %edx
xorl $42, %eax
movl %eax, %ecx
orl %edx, %ecx
jne .L88 # } while(shared ^ 42 != 0);

For 32-bit x86 code generation, 64-bit loads and stores are usually split into two instructions. For single-threaded code, this is not an issue. For multi-threaded code, this means that another thread can see a partial result of the 64-bit memory operation, leaving room for unexpected inconsistencies that might not cause problems 100 percent of the time, but can occur at random and the probability of occurrence is heavily influenced by the surrounding code and software usage patterns. Even if GCC chose to generate instructions that guarantee atomicity by default, that still wouldn't affect other compilers and might not hold true for all supported platforms.

To guard against partial loads/stores in all circumstances and across all compilers and supported platforms, std::atomic can be employed. Let's review how std::atomic affects the generated assembly. The updated sample:

#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <thread>

int main()
std::atomic<int64_t> shared;
std::thread thread([&shared]() {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
while (shared.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != 42) {
assert(shared.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 42);
return 0;

The generated 32-bit assembly based on GCC 10.2 (-O3:

        // Thread B:
//, std::memory_order_relaxed);
movl $42, %ecx
xorl %ebx, %ebx
subl $8, %esp
movl 16(%esp), %eax
movl 4(%eax), %eax # function arg: pointer to shared
movl %ecx, (%esp)
movl %ebx, 4(%esp)
movq (%esp), %xmm0 # 8-byte reload
movq %xmm0, (%eax) # 8-byte store to shared
addl $8, %esp

// Thread A:
// while (shared.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != 42) {
// }
.L9: # do {
movq -16(%ebp), %xmm1 # 8-byte load from shared
movq %xmm1, -32(%ebp) # copy to a dummy temporary
movl -32(%ebp), %edx
movl -28(%ebp), %ecx # and scalar reload
movl %edx, %eax
movl %ecx, %edx
xorl $42, %eax
orl %eax, %edx
jne .L9 # } while(shared.load() ^ 42 != 0);

To guarantee atomicity for loads and stores, the compiler emits an 8-byte SSE2 movq instruction (to/from the bottom half of a 128-bit SSE register). Additionally, the assembly shows that the loop remains intact even though volatile was removed.

By using std::atomic in the sample, it is guaranteed that

  • std::atomic loads and stores are not subject to register-based caching
  • std::atomic loads and stores do not allow partial values to be observed

The C++ standard doesn't talk about registers at all, but it does say:

Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads within a reasonable amount of time.

While that leaves room for interpretation, caching std::atomic loads across iterations, like triggered in our sample (without volatile or atomic) would clearly be a violation - the store might never become visible. Current compilers don't even optimize atomics within one block, like 2 accesses in the same iteration.

On x86, naturally-aligned loads/stores (where the address is a multiple of the load/store size) are atomic up to 8 bytes without special instructions. That's why GCC is able to use movq.

atomic<T> with a large T may not be supported directly by hardware, in which case the compiler can fall back to using a mutex.

A large T (e.g. the size of 2 registers) on some platforms might require an atomic RMW operation (if the compiler doesn't simply fall back to locking), which are sometimes provided with larger size than the largest efficient pure-load / pure-store that's guaranteed atomic. (e.g. on x86-64, lock cmpxchg16, or ARM ldrexd/strexd retry loop). Single-instruction atomic RMWs (like x86 uses) internally involve a cache line lock or a bus lock. For example, older versions of clang -m32 for x86 will use lock cmpxchg8b instead of movq for 8-byte pure-load or pure-store.

What's the second aspect mentioned above and what does std::memory_order_relaxed mean?
Both, the compiler and CPU can reorder memory operations to optimize efficiency. The primary constraint of reordering is that all loads and stores must appear to have been executed in the order given by the code (program order). Therefore, in case of inter-thread communication, the memory order must be take into account to establish the required order despite reordering attempts. The required memory order can be specified for std::atomic loads and stores. std::memory_order_relaxed does not impose any particular order.

Mutual exclusion primitives enforce a specific memory order (acquire-release order) so that memory operations stay in the lock scope and stores executed by previous lock owners are guaranteed to be visible to subsequent lock owners. Thus, using locks, all the aspects raised here are addressed simply by using the locking facility. As soon as you break out of the comfort locks provide, you have to be mindful of the consequences and the factors that affect concurrency correctness.

Being as explicit as possible about inter-thread communication is a good starting point so that the compiler is aware of the load/store context and can generate code accordingly. Whenever possible, prefer std::atomic<T> with std::memory_order_relaxed (unless the scenario calls for a specific memory order) to volatile T (and, of course, T). Also, whenever possible, prefer not to roll your own lock-free code to reduce code complexity and maximize the probability of correctness.

C - volatile and memory barriers in lockless shared memory access?

  1. is my understanding correct and complete ?

Yeah, it looks that way, except for not mentioning that C11 <stdatomic.h> made all this obsolete for almost all purposes.

There are more bad/weird things that can happen without volatile (or better, _Atomic) that you didn't list: the LWN article Who's afraid of a big bad optimizing compiler? goes into detail about things like inventing extra loads (and expecting them both to read the same value). It's aimed at Linux kernel code, where C11 _Atomic isn't how they do things.

Other than the Linux kernel, new code should pretty much always use <stdatomic.h> instead of rolling your own atomics with volatile and inline asm for RMWs and barriers. But that does continue to work because all real-world CPUs that we run threads across have coherent shared memory, so making a memory access happen in the asm is enough for inter-thread visibility, like memory_order_relaxed. See When to use volatile with multi threading? (basically never, except in the Linux kernel or maybe a handful of other codebases that already have good implementations of hand-rolled stuff).

In ISO C11, it's data-race undefined behaviour for two threads to do unsynchronized read+write on the same object, but mainstream compilers do define the behaviour, just compiling the way you'd expect so hardware guarantees or lack thereof come into play.

Other than that, yeah, looks accurate except for your final question 2: there are use-cases for memory_order_relaxed atomics, which is like volatile with no barriers, e.g. an exit_now flag.

or are there are cases where only using barriers suffice ?

No, unless you get lucky and the compiler happens to generate correct asm anyway.

Or unless other synchronization means this code only runs while no other threads are reading/writing the object. (C++20 has std::atomic_ref<T> to handle the case where some parts of the code need to do atomic accesses to data, but other parts of your program don't, and you want to let them auto-vectorize or whatever. C doesn't have any such thing yet, other than using plain variables with/without GNU C __atomic_load_n() and other builtins, which is how C++ headers implement std::atomic<T>, and which is the same underlying support that C11 _Atomic compiles to. Probably also the C11 functions like atomic_load_explicit defined in stdatomic.h, but unlike C++, _Atomic is a true keyword not defined in any header.)

Natural alignment + volatile = atomic in C++11?

No, volatile does not guarantee that the location will be written or read atomically, just the the compiler can't optimise out multiple reads and writes.

On certain architectures, the processor will atomically read or write if aligned correctly, but that is not universal or even guaranteed through a family of processors. Where it can, the internal implementation of atomic will take advantage of architectural features and atomic instruction modifiers, so why not use atomic, if you mean atomic?

Is volatile int in C as good as std::atomicint of C++0x?

I've seen you asking about GCC in some comments, here you go.

GCC's Built-in functions for atomic memory access

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