C++ Format MACro/Inline Ostringstream

C++ format macro / inline ostringstream

You've all pretty much nailed this already. But it's a little challenging to follow. So let me take a stab at summarizing what you've said...

That difficulties here are that:

  • We are playing with a temporary ostringstream object, so taking addresses is contra-indicated.

  • Because it's a temporary, we cannot trivially convert to an ostream object through casting.

  • Both the constructor [obviously] and str() are class ostringstream methods.
    (Yes, we need to use .str(). Using the ostringstream object directly would wind up invoking ios::operator void*(), returning a pointer-like good/bad value and not a string object.)

  • operator<<(...) exists as both inherited ostream methods and global functions. In all cases it returns an ostream& reference.

  • The choices here for ostringstream()<<"foo" are the inherited method ostream::operator<<(void* ) and the global function operator<<(ostream&,const char* ). The inherited ostream::operator<<(void* ) wins out because we can't convert to an ostream object reference to invoke the global function. [Kudos to coppro!]

So, to pull this off, we need to:

  • Allocate a temporary ostringstream.
  • Convert it to an ostream.
  • Append data.
  • Convert it back to an ostringstream.
  • And invoke str().

Allocating: ostringstream().

Converting: There are several choices. Others have suggested:

  • ostringstream() << std::string() // Kudos to *David Norman*
  • ostringstream() << std::dec // Kudos to *cadabra*

Or we could use:

  • ostringstream() . seekp( 0, ios_base::cur )
  • ostringstream() . write( "", 0 )
  • ostringstream() . flush()
  • ostringstream() << flush
  • ostringstream() << nounitbuf
  • ostringstream() << unitbuf
  • ostringstream() << noshowpos
  • Or any other standard manipulator. [#include <iomanip>] Reference: See "Insert data with format" 1/3 of the way down on this webpage.

We cannot use:

  • operator<<( ostringstream(), "" )
  • (ostream &) ostringstream()

Appending: Straightforward now.

Converting back: We could just use (ostringstream&). But a dynamic_cast would be safer. In the unlikely event dynamic_cast returned NULL (it shouldn't), the following .str() will trigger a coredump.

Invoking str(): Guess.

Putting it all together.

#define FORMAT(ITEMS)                                             \
( ( dynamic_cast<ostringstream &> ( \
ostringstream() . seekp( 0, ios_base::cur ) << ITEMS ) \
) . str() )


  • IOstream Library
  • ostringstream
  • ostream::operator<<()
  • Type Casting Tutorial
  • Wiki: Type Casting


Inline ostringstream macro reloaded

Unfortunately I don't have access to a MSVC compiler to test against.

In my past experiences with microsoft's tools, it seems like microsoft treats language definitions and standards as little more than a rough guide. (I've lost lots of time on projects only to discover microsoft broke tradition with something as basic as C99.)

Given this regrettably situation, I suggest you experiment with a series of trivial programs. Things like:

std::ostringstream() o;
o.seekp( 0, std::ios_base::cur ) << "foo";
cout << "Test1: " << o << endl;

Or perhaps:

std::ostringstream() o;
cout << "Test2: " << typeid(o).name() << endl;
cout << "Test3: " << typeid(o.seekp( 0, std::ios_base::cur )).name() << endl;

Try to see at what point things stop working. Then work around the problem from there.

C++ stringstream inline

The reason is that the << operator is a member for void const*, but a free function taking an std::ostream& as the left hand argument for char const*. Your std::ostringstream( "" ) is a temporary: you can call member functions (even non-const member functions) on it, but a temporary cannot be used to initialize the non-const reference of the global function.


Two points: first, as has been pointed out, g++ does do what you
want if you specify -std=c++11. As T.C. points out, this is
specified in §, which provides a template overload for
all << with an rvalue reference for the std::istream
And second, the classic work around is
to start the expression std::ostringstream( "" ).flush() <<.... flush is a member function (and so can be called on
a temporary) which returns an std::ostream& (so everything
else chains nicely); it also does nothing on
a std::ostringstream.

Can I pass C++ strings into a method in the style of a stream?

I think you should look at this question for some hints as to what will be required to get the behavior you want.

This sort of thing seems to a bit difficult.

std::ostringstream printing the address of the c-string instead of its content

The expressionstd::ostringstream() creates a temporary, and operator<< which takes const char* as argument is a free function, but this free function cannot be called on a temporary, as the type of the first parameter of the function is std::ostream& which cannot be bound to temporary object.

Having said that, <<std::ostringstream() << "some data" resolves to a call to a member function which is overloaded for void* which prints the address. Note that a member function can be invoked on the temporary.

In order to call the free function, you need to convert temporary (which is rvalue) into a lvalue, and here is one trick that you can do:

 std::cout << "Inline        : "
<< dynamic_cast<std::ostringstream&>(
std::ostringstream().flush() << "some data"
<< "\n";

That is, std::ostringstream().flush() returns std::ostream& which means, now the free function can called, passing the returned reference as first argument.

Also, you don't need to use dynamic_cast here (which is slow, as it is done at runtime), for the type of the object is pretty much known, and so you can use static_cast (which is fast as it is done at compile-time):

 std::cout << "Inline        : "
<< static_cast<std::ostringstream&>(
std::ostringstream().flush() << "some data"
<< "\n";

which should work just fine.

std::string formatting like sprintf

You can't do it directly, because you don't have write access to the underlying buffer (until C++11; see Dietrich Epp's comment). You'll have to do it first in a c-string, then copy it into a std::string:

  char buff[100];
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s", "Hello");
std::string buffAsStdStr = buff;

But I'm not sure why you wouldn't just use a string stream? I'm assuming you have specific reasons to not just do this:

  std::ostringstream stringStream;
stringStream << "Hello";
std::string copyOfStr = stringStream.str();

How to initialize a std::stringstream?

stringstream ss << "Number of people is " << numPeople;

Why can't I assign the stringstream value at the same time I declare it?

This is similar to hoping this would work...

int x + 3 + 9;

...but this doesn't parse as a variable definition, let alone a definition and assignment.

The legal way to define and initialise an object

The only ways to define and initialise a variable with a non-default value are (in a grammar sense - this isn't code):

type identifier(...args...);
type identifier{...args...};
type identifier = ...expression...;

The last notation is equivalent to the first - i.e. type identifier(arg) where arg is passed the ...expression....

Trying to use the legal notation for int and stringstream

For int, you can easily correct the code:

int x = 3 + 9;

...and it works because "3 + 9" can be evaluated independently first to give a sane value to store in x. The compiler's behaviour for operator + on ints does what we want: it produces the int result we then want to store in x. You can think of the above as:

int x = (int)3 + (int)9; // notate the implicit types
(int)12; // evaluate expression => value to assign
int x((int)12); // construct a valid value

It works! But if you try that for stringstream...

stringstream ss = "Number of people is " << numPeople;  // BROKEN
"Number of people is " << numPeople; // bitshift?!

...it won't work, because "Number of people is " << numPeople needs to be evaluated first but is illegal - you'll get an error like:

error C2296: '<<' : illegal, left operand has type 'const char [20]'

The problem is that the compiler's still trying to apply the bitwise shift operation, which only makes sense for numbers, because the overloads for << that we want to use require that any "X << Y" code has the left-hand part "X" be - or be implicitly convertible to - an ostream&. A string literal can't be converted. At this point, the compiler is oblivious to the stringstream to which the result of the expression will be passed.

A solution for stringstream

It's a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem, because you need to combine the right-hand values you want in the stringstream to call the stringstream's constructor, but for that you need... a stringstream. You can actually pull that off with a temporary stringstream:

static_cast<std::ostringstream&&>(std::ostringstream{} << "Number of people is " << numPeople)

The cast is unfortunately needed because the operator<< overloads handle stringstreams via references to their ostream base class, returning an ostream&, so you need to cast back to the stringstream type manually, so you can then invoke the std::stringstream move constructor...

The complete one-liner construction is then...

std::ostringstream ss(static_cast<std::ostringstream&&>(std::ostringstream{} << "Number of people is " << numPeople));
auto&& ss = static_cast<std::ostringstream&&>(std::ostringstream{} << "Number of people is " << numPeople);

...but that's too hideous to contemplate.

Making the solution (arguably) less hideous with macros

Yes, you read that right. Depending on your sensibilities, you may feel a macro helps or is worse...

#define OSS(VALUES) \
static_cast<std::ostringstream&&>(std::ostringstream{} << VALUES)

auto&& ss = OSS("Number of people is " << numPeople);

FWIW, you could also use the macro to create strings...

auto&& s = OSS("Number of people is " << numPeople).str(); 

...or create a dedicated macro...

#define STR(VALUES) \
static_cast<std::ostringstream&&>(std::ostringstream{} << VALUES).str()
auto&& s = STR("Number of people is " << numPeople);

An (arguably) better practice - separate construction and initialisation

Just create the stringstream - optionally providing a single string to the constructor - then use operator<< in a second statement:

std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Number of people is " << numPeople;

This is much easier to read, and there are no weird macros required.

An alternative

C++11 introduced to_string() overloads which are convenient if you have an integral value or two to concatentate with or into a string:

auto&& s = "Number of people is " + std::to_string(numPeople);

This may be inefficient though (check your compiler(s) optimisation abilities if you care): each std::to_string() is likely to dynamically allocate a buffer for an independent std::string instance, then the individual concatenations may involve extra copying of text, and the original dynamically-allocated buffers may need to be enlarged, then most of those temporary std::strings will take time to deallocate during destruction.


Ideally, std::stringstream would have a constructor accepting an arbitrary number of constructor arguments (A, B, C...) to be formatted into the stringstream as if by a subsequent << A << B << C.... There are already constructors with arguments (e.g. (std::ios_base::openmode, const Allocator&)), so we'd need a placeholder to distinguish such arguments from values we're trying to format into the stream, or a weirder workaround like requiring the values to be formatted into the stream be passed in as an initialiser list.

Still, it looks and feels very weird using strings with , instead of <<:

std::stringstream ss{"n:", std::setw(4), std::hex, '\n');

And then if during code maintenance you find you need to move the streaming values to a point after construction, you'd need to change the separator. Breaking it out into two lines to start with - construction then streaming - simplifies that maintenance.

It was worse in C++03

C++03 lacked move constructors, so it was necessary to use the std::ostringstream::str() member function on the temporary to get an extra deep-copy of the std::string with which to construct the named stringsteam...

stringstream ss(static_cast<std::ostringstream&>(std::ostringstream() << "Number of people is " << numPeople).str());

With this C++03 code, there's a likelihood of duplicate dynamic memory allocations (unless the strings are short enough to fit inside the string object, a commonly provided std::string technique called "Short String Optimisation" or SSO). There's also a deep copy of textual content. Construction-followed-by-streaming was a better approach.

How do I convert a double into a string in C++?

The boost (tm) way:

std::string str = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dbl);

The Standard C++ way:

std::ostringstream strs;
strs << dbl;
std::string str = strs.str();

Note: Don't forget #include <sstream>

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