Atomicity in C++:Myth or Reality

Atomicity in C++ : Myth or Reality

This recommendation is architecture-specific. It is true for x86 & x86_64 (in a low-level programming). You should also check that compiler don't reorder your code. You can use "compiler memory barrier" for that.

Low-level atomic read and writes for x86 is described in Intel Reference manuals "The Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual" Volume 3A ( , section 8.1.1

8.1.1 Guaranteed Atomic Operations

The Intel486 processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the following
basic memory operations will always be carried out atomically:

  • Reading or writing a byte
  • Reading or writing a word aligned on a 16-bit boundary
  • Reading or writing a doubleword aligned on a 32-bit boundary

The Pentium processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the following
additional memory operations will always be carried out atomically:

  • Reading or writing a quadword aligned on a 64-bit boundary
  • 16-bit accesses to uncached memory locations that fit within a 32-bit data bus

The P6 family processors (and newer processors since) guarantee that the following
additional memory operation will always be carried out atomically:

  • Unaligned 16-, 32-, and 64-bit accesses to cached memory that fit within a cache

This document also have more description of atomically for newer processors like Core2. Not all unaligned operations will be atomic.

Other intel manual recommends this white paper:

Are C++ Reads and Writes of an int Atomic?

At first one might think that reads and writes of the native machine size are atomic but there are a number of issues to deal with including cache coherency between processors/cores. Use atomic operations like Interlocked* on Windows and the equivalent on Linux. C++0x will have an "atomic" template to wrap these in a nice and cross-platform interface. For now if you are using a platform abstraction layer it may provide these functions. ACE does, see the class template ACE_Atomic_Op.

Can variables inside packed structures be read atomically?

Using packed structures you will never have read/write atomic operations on fields that overlaps a memory unit boundary. This means that only 8bits operations are guaranteed to be atomic, otherwise it depends on the memory alignment of your fields.

C atomic operations, if writes are all atomic swaps do I need atomic load?

It looks like you're reading from shared_x, calculate something new and then write back to shared_x. The value you write to shared_x seems to depend on the value you originally read from it.

If that is the case, you have a dependency there, and most probably need to not only make the read atomic, but you need to make the whole operation of "read, calculate, write back" atomic. Meaning, you need to synchronize it. Like with a mutex.

I say "most probably" because I can't be sure if I don't know what the code actually does. You need to analyze what happens in the case of a race condition where thread A writes to shared_x while thread B is currently doing a calculation based on the old value of shared_x and then writes the result back to it. The value written to it by thread A gets lost forever. I can't know whether this would be problematic for you. Only you can know that. If that race condition is OK, then you don't need to synchronize or make the read atomic.

If you're only interested in making sure that reading from shared_x will not get you garbage and don't care about the race condition described above, then the answer is "most probably you don't need to make the read atomic." Instead of me copy&pasting, you can read the details right here:

Atomicity in C++ : Myth or Reality

Even though the question is for C++, the same holds true for C as well.

Note though that atomics are now in the C standard as well (C11), provided by the <stdatomic.h> header and the _Atomic type qualifier. But of course not all compilers support C11 yet.

How does C# guarantee the atomicity of read/write operations?

The reason those types have guaranteed atomicity is because they are all 32 bits or smaller. Since .NET only runs on 32 and 64 bit operating systems, the processor architecture can read and write the entire value in a single operation. This is in contrast to say, an Int64 on a 32 bit platform which must be read and written using two 32 bit operations.

I'm not really a hardware guy so I apologize if my terminology makes me sound like a buffoon but it's the basic idea.

Are Reads and Writes of an int in C++ Atomic on x86-64 multi-core machine

The other question talks about variables "properly aligned". If it crosses a cache-line, the variable is not properly aligned. An int will not do that unless you specifically ask the compiler to pack a struct, for example.

You also assume that using volatile int is better than atomic<int>. If volatile int is the perfect way to sync variables on your platform, surely the library implementer would also know that and store a volatile x inside atomic<x>.

There is no requirement that atomic<int> has to be extra slow just because it is standard. :-)

Atomicity of 32bit read on multicore CPU

OK so as it turns out this really isn't necessary; this answer explains in detail why we don't need to use any interlocked operations for a simple read/write (but we do for a read-modify-write).

Atomicity on x86

It sounds like the atomic operations on memory will be executed directly on memory (RAM).

Nope, as long as every possible observer in the system sees the operation as atomic, the operation can involve cache only.

Satisfying this requirement is much more difficult for atomic read-modify-write operations (like lock add [mem], eax, especially with an unaligned address), which is when a CPU might assert the LOCK# signal. You still wouldn't see any more than that in the asm: the hardware implements the ISA-required semantics for locked instructions.

Although I doubt that there is a physical external LOCK# pin on modern CPUs where the memory controller is built-in to the CPU, instead of in a separate northbridge chip.

std::atomic<int> X; X.load() puts only "extra" mfence.

Compilers don't MFENCE for seq_cst loads.

I think I read that old MSVC at one point did emit MFENCE for this (maybe to prevent reordering with unfenced NT stores? Or instead of on stores?). But it doesn't anymore: I tested MSVC 19.00.23026.0. Look for foo and bar in the asm output from this program that dumps its own asm in an online compile&run site.

The reason we don't need a fence here is that the x86 memory model disallows both LoadStore and LoadLoad reordering. Earlier (non seq_cst) stores can still be delayed until after a seq_cst load, so it's different from using a stand-alone std::atomic_thread_fence(mo_seq_cst); before an X.load(mo_acquire);

If I understand properly the is just mov [somewhere], 2

That's consistent with your idea that loads needed mfence; one or the other of seq_cst loads or stores need a full barrier to prevent disallow StoreLoad reordering which could otherwise happen.

In practice compiler devs picked cheap loads (mov) / expensive stores (mov+mfence) because loads are more common. C++11 mappings to processors.

(The x86 memory-ordering model is program order plus a store buffer with store-forwarding (see also). This makes mo_acquire and mo_release free in asm, only need to block compile-time reordering, and lets us choose whether to put the MFENCE full barrier on loads or stores.)

So seq_cst stores are either mov+mfence or xchg. Why does a std::atomic store with sequential consistency use XCHG? discusses the performance advantages of xchg on some CPUs. On AMD, MFENCE is (IIRC) documented to have extra serialize-the-pipeline semantics (for instruction execution, not just memory ordering) that blocks out-of-order exec, and on some Intel CPUs in practice (Skylake) that's also the case.

MSVC's asm for stores is the same as clang's, using xchg to do the store + memory barrier with the same instruction.

Atomic release or relaxed stores can be just mov, with the difference between them being only how much compile-time reordering is allowed.

This question looks like the part 2 of your earlier Memory Model in C++ : sequential consistency and atomicity, where you asked:

How does the CPU implement atomic operations internally?

As you pointed out in the question, atomicity is unrelated to ordering with respect to any other operations. (i.e. memory_order_relaxed). It just means that the operation happens as a single indivisible operation, hence the name, not as multiple parts which can happen partially before and partially after something else.

You get atomicity "for free" with no extra hardware for aligned loads or stores up to the size of the data paths between cores, memory, and I/O busses like PCIe. i.e. between the various levels of cache, and between the caches of separate cores. The memory controllers are part of the CPU in modern designs, so even a PCIe device accessing memory has to go through the CPU's system agent. (This even lets Skylake's eDRAM L4 (not available in any desktop CPUs :( ) work as a memory-side cache (unlike Broadwell, which used it as a victim cache for L3 IIRC), sitting between memory and everything else in the system so it can even cache DMA).

Skylake system agent diagram, from IDF via ARStechnica

This means the CPU hardware can do whatever is necessary to make sure a store or load is atomic with respect to anything else in the system which can observe it. This is probably not much, if anything. DDR memory uses a wide enough data bus that a 64bit aligned store really does electrically go over the memory bus to the DRAM all in the same cycle. (fun fact, but not important. A serial bus protocol like PCIe wouldn't stop it from being atomic, as long as a single message is big enough. And since the memory controller is the only thing that can talk to the DRAM directly, it doesn't matter what it does internally, just the size of transfers between it and the rest of the CPU). But anyway, this is the "for free" part: no temporary blocking of other requests is needed to keep an atomic transfer atomic.

x86 guarantees that aligned loads and stores up to 64 bits are atomic, but not wider accesses. Low-power implementations are free to break up vector loads/stores into 64-bit chunks like P6 did from PIII until Pentium M.

Atomic ops happen in cache

Remember that atomic just means all observers see it as having happened or not happened, never partially-happened. There's no requirement that it actually reaches main memory right away (or at all, if overwritten soon). Atomically modifying or reading L1 cache is sufficient to ensure that any other core or DMA access will see an aligned store or load happen as a single atomic operation. It's fine if this modification happens long after the store executes (e.g. delayed by out-of-order execution until the store retires).

Modern CPUs like Core2 with 128-bit paths everywhere typically have atomic SSE 128b loads/stores, going beyond what the x86 ISA guarantees. But note the interesting exception on a multi-socket Opteron probably due to hypertransport. That's proof that atomically modifying L1 cache isn't sufficient to provide atomicity for stores wider than the narrowest data path (which in this case isn't the path between L1 cache and the execution units).

Alignment is important: A load or store that crosses a cache-line boundary has to be done in two separate accesses. This makes it non-atomic.

x86 guarantees that cached accesses up to 8 bytes are atomic as long as they don't cross an 8B boundary on AMD/Intel. (Or for Intel only on P6 and later, don't cross a cache-line boundary). This implies that whole cache lines (64B on modern CPUs) are transferred around atomically on Intel, even though that's wider than the data paths (32B between L2 and L3 on Haswell/Skylake). This atomicity isn't totally "free" in hardware, and maybe requires some extra logic to prevent a load from reading a cache-line that's only partially transferred. Although cache-line transfers only happen after the old version was invalidated, so a core shouldn't be reading from the old copy while there's a transfer happening. AMD can tear in practice on smaller boundaries, maybe because of using a different extension to MESI that can transfer dirty data between caches.

For wider operands, like atomically writing new data into multiple entries of a struct, you need to protect it with a lock which all accesses to it respect. (You may be able to use x86 lock cmpxchg16b with a retry loop to do an atomic 16b store. Note that there's no way to emulate it without a mutex.)

Atomic read-modify-write is where it gets harder

related: my answer on Can num++ be atomic for 'int num'? goes into more detail about this.

Each core has a private L1 cache which is coherent with all other cores (using the MOESI protocol). Cache-lines are transferred between levels of cache and main memory in chunks ranging in size from 64 bits to 256 bits. (these transfers may actually be atomic on a whole-cache-line granularity?)

To do an atomic RMW, a core can keep a line of L1 cache in Modified state without accepting any external modifications to the affected cache line between the load and the store, the rest of the system will see the operation as atomic. (And thus it is atomic, because the usual out-of-order execution rules require that the local thread sees its own code as having run in program order.)

It can do this by not processing any cache-coherency messages while the atomic RMW is in-flight (or some more complicated version of this which allows more parallelism for other ops).

Unaligned locked ops are a problem: we need other cores to see modifications to two cache lines happen as a single atomic operation. This may require actually storing to DRAM, and taking a bus lock. (AMD's optimization manual says this is what happens on their CPUs when a cache-lock isn't sufficient.)

Why is integer assignment on a naturally aligned variable atomic on x86?

"Natural" alignment means aligned to its own type width. Thus, the load/store will never be split across any kind of boundary wider than itself (e.g. page, cache-line, or an even narrower chunk size used for data transfers between different caches).

CPUs often do things like cache-access, or cache-line transfers between cores, in power-of-2 sized chunks, so alignment boundaries smaller than a cache line do matter. (See @BeeOnRope's comments below). See also Atomicity on x86 for more details on how CPUs implement atomic loads or stores internally, and Can num++ be atomic for 'int num'? for more about how atomic RMW operations like atomic<int>::fetch_add() / lock xadd are implemented internally.

First, this assumes that the int is updated with a single store instruction, rather than writing different bytes separately. This is part of what std::atomic guarantees, but that plain C or C++ doesn't. It will normally be the case, though. The x86-64 System V ABI doesn't forbid compilers from making accesses to int variables non-atomic, even though it does require int to be 4B with a default alignment of 4B. For example, x = a<<16 | b could compile to two separate 16-bit stores if the compiler wanted.

Data races are Undefined Behaviour in both C and C++, so compilers can and do assume that memory is not asynchronously modified. For code that is guaranteed not to break, use C11 stdatomic or C++11 std::atomic. Otherwise the compiler will just keep a value in a register instead of reloading every time your read it, like volatile but with actual guarantees and official support from the language standard.

Before C++11, atomic ops were usually done with volatile or other things, and a healthy dose of "works on compilers we care about", so C++11 was a huge step forward. Now you no longer have to care about what a compiler does for plain int; just use atomic<int>. If you find old guides talking about atomicity of int, they probably predate C++11. When to use volatile with multi threading? explains why that works in practice, and that atomic<T> with memory_order_relaxed is the modern way to get the same functionality.

std::atomic<int> shared;  // shared variable (compiler ensures alignment)

int x; // local variable (compiler can keep it in a register)
x = shared.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// shared = x; // don't do that unless you actually need seq_cst, because MFENCE or XCHG is much slower than a simple store

Side-note: for atomic<T> larger than the CPU can do atomically (so .is_lock_free() is false), see Where is the lock for a std::atomic?. int and int64_t / uint64_t are lock-free on all the major x86 compilers, though.

Thus, we just need to talk about the behaviour of an instruction like mov [shared], eax.

TL;DR: The x86 ISA guarantees that naturally-aligned stores and loads are atomic, up to 64bits wide. So compilers can use ordinary stores/loads as long as they ensure that std::atomic<T> has natural alignment.

(But note that i386 gcc -m32 fails to do that for C11 _Atomic 64-bit types inside structs, only aligning them to 4B, so atomic_llong can be non-atomic in some cases. g++ -m32 with std::atomic is fine, at least in g++5 because was fixed in 2015 by a change to the <atomic> header. That didn't change the C11 behaviour, though.)

IIRC, there were SMP 386 systems, but the current memory semantics weren't established until 486. This is why the manual says "486 and newer".

From the "Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals, volume 3", with my notes in italics. (see also the x86 tag wiki for links: current versions of all volumes, or direct link to page 256 of the vol3 pdf from Dec 2015)

In x86 terminology, a "word" is two 8-bit bytes. 32 bits are a double-word, or DWORD.

###Section 8.1.1 Guaranteed Atomic Operations

The Intel486 processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the following basic memory
operations will always be carried out atomically:

  • Reading or writing a byte
  • Reading or writing a word aligned on a 16-bit boundary
  • Reading or writing a doubleword aligned on a 32-bit boundary (This is another way of saying "natural alignment")

That last point that I bolded is the answer to your question: This behaviour is part of what's required for a processor to be an x86 CPU (i.e. an implementation of the ISA).

The rest of the section provides further guarantees for newer Intel CPUs: Pentium widens this guarantee to 64 bits.

Pentium processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the
following additional memory operations will always be carried out

  • Reading or writing a quadword aligned on a 64-bit boundary
    (e.g. x87 load/store of a double, or cmpxchg8b (which was new in Pentium P5))
  • 16-bit accesses to uncached memory locations that fit within a 32-bit data bus.

The section goes on to point out that accesses split across cache lines (and page boundaries) are not guaranteed to be atomic, and:

"An x87 instruction or an SSE instructions that accesses data larger than a quadword may be implemented using
multiple memory accesses."

AMD's manual agrees with Intel's about aligned 64-bit and narrower loads/stores being atomic

So integer, x87, and MMX/SSE loads/stores up to 64b, even in 32-bit or 16-bit mode (e.g. movq, movsd, movhps, pinsrq, extractps, etc.) are atomic if the data is aligned. gcc -m32 uses movq xmm, [mem] to implement atomic 64-bit loads for things like std::atomic<int64_t>. Clang4.0 -m32 unfortunately uses lock cmpxchg8b bug 33109.

On some CPUs with 128b or 256b internal data paths (between execution units and L1, and between different caches), 128b and even 256b vector loads/stores are atomic, but this is not guaranteed by any standard or easily queryable at run-time, unfortunately for compilers implementing std::atomic<__int128> or 16B structs.

(Update: x86 vendors have decided that the AVX feature bit also indicates atomic 128-bit aligned loads/stores. Before that we only had experimental testing to verify it.)

If you want atomic 128b across all x86 systems, you must use lock cmpxchg16b (available only in 64bit mode). (And it wasn't available in the first-gen x86-64 CPUs. You need to use -mcx16 with GCC/Clang for them to emit it.)

Even CPUs that internally do atomic 128b loads/stores can exhibit non-atomic behaviour in multi-socket systems with a coherency protocol that operates in smaller chunks: e.g. AMD Opteron 2435 (K10) with threads running on separate sockets, connected with HyperTransport.

Intel's and AMD's manuals diverge for unaligned access to cacheable memory. The common subset for all x86 CPUs is the AMD rule. Cacheable means write-back or write-through memory regions, not uncacheable or write-combining, as set with PAT or MTRR regions. They don't mean that the cache-line has to already be hot in L1 cache.

  • Intel P6 and later guarantee atomicity for cacheable loads/stores up to 64 bits as long as they're within a single cache-line (64B, or 32B on very old CPUs like Pentium III).
  • AMD guarantees atomicity for cacheable loads/stores that fit within a single 8B-aligned chunk. That makes sense, because we know from the 16B-store test on multi-socket Opteron that HyperTransport only transfers in 8B chunks, and doesn't lock while transferring to prevent tearing. (See above). I guess lock cmpxchg16b must be handled specially.

Possibly related: AMD uses MOESI to share dirty cache-lines directly between caches in different cores, so one core can be reading from its valid copy of a cache line while updates to it are coming in from another cache.

Intel uses MESIF, which requires dirty data to propagate out to the large shared inclusive L3 cache which acts as a backstop for coherency traffic. L3 is tag-inclusive of per-core L2/L1 caches, even for lines that have to be in the Invalid state in L3 because of being M or E in a per-core L1 cache. The data path between L3 and per-core caches is only 32B wide in Haswell/Skylake, so it must buffer or something to avoid a write to L3 from one core happening between reads of two halves of a cache line, which could cause tearing at the 32B boundary.

The relevant sections of the manuals:

The P6 family processors (and newer Intel processors
since) guarantee that the following additional memory operation will
always be carried out atomically:

  • Unaligned 16-, 32-, and 64-bit accesses to cached memory that fit within a cache line.

AMD64 Manual 7.3.2 Access Atomicity

Cacheable, naturally-aligned single loads or stores of up to a quadword are atomic on any processor
model, as are misaligned loads or stores of less than a quadword that
are contained entirely within a naturally-aligned quadword

Notice that AMD guarantees atomicity for any load smaller than a qword, but Intel only for power-of-2 sizes. 32-bit protected mode and 64-bit long mode can load a 48 bit m16:32 as a memory operand into cs:eip with far-call or far-jmp. (And far-call pushes stuff on the stack.) IDK if this counts as a single 48-bit access or separate 16 and 32-bit.

There have been attempts to formalize the x86 memory model, the latest one being the x86-TSO (extended version) paper from 2009 (link from the memory-ordering section of the x86 tag wiki). It's not usefully skimmable since they define some symbols to express things in their own notation, and I haven't tried to really read it. IDK if it describes the atomicity rules, or if it's only concerned with memory ordering.

Atomic Read-Modify-Write

I mentioned cmpxchg8b, but I was only talking about the load and the store each separately being atomic (i.e. no "tearing" where one half of the load is from one store, the other half of the load is from a different store).

To prevent the contents of that memory location from being modified between the load and the store, you need lock cmpxchg8b, just like you need lock inc [mem] for the entire read-modify-write to be atomic. Also note that even if cmpxchg8b without lock does a single atomic load (and optionally a store), it's not safe in general to use it as a 64b load with expected=desired. If the value in memory happens to match your expected, you'll get a non-atomic read-modify-write of that location.

The lock prefix makes even unaligned accesses that cross cache-line or page boundaries atomic, but you can't use it with mov to make an unaligned store or load atomic. It's only usable with memory-destination read-modify-write instructions like add [mem], eax.

(lock is implicit in xchg reg, [mem], so don't use xchg with mem to save code-size or instruction count unless performance is irrelevant. Only use it when you want the memory barrier and/or the atomic exchange, or when code-size is the only thing that matters, e.g. in a boot sector.)

See also: Can num++ be atomic for 'int num'?

Why lock mov [mem], reg doesn't exist for atomic unaligned stores

From the instruction reference manual (Intel x86 manual vol2), cmpxchg:

This instruction can be used with a LOCK prefix to allow the
instruction to be executed atomically. To simplify the interface to
the processor’s bus, the destination operand receives a write cycle
without regard to the result of the comparison. The destination
operand is written back if the comparison fails; otherwise, the source
operand is written into the destination. (The processor never produces
a locked read without also producing a locked write

This design decision reduced chipset complexity before the memory controller was built into the CPU. It may still do so for locked instructions on MMIO regions that hit the PCI-express bus rather than DRAM. It would just be confusing for a lock mov reg, [MMIO_PORT] to produce a write as well as a read to the memory-mapped I/O register.

The other explanation is that it's not very hard to make sure your data has natural alignment, and lock store would perform horribly compared to just making sure your data is aligned. It would be silly to spend transistors on something that would be so slow it wouldn't be worth using. If you really need it (and don't mind reading the memory too), you could use xchg [mem], reg (XCHG has an implicit LOCK prefix), which is even slower than a hypothetical lock mov.

Using a lock prefix is also a full memory barrier, so it imposes a performance overhead beyond just the atomic RMW. i.e. x86 can't do relaxed atomic RMW (without flushing the store buffer). Other ISAs can, so using .fetch_add(1, memory_order_relaxed) can be faster on non-x86.

Fun fact: Before mfence existed, a common idiom was lock add dword [esp], 0, which is a no-op other than clobbering flags and doing a locked operation. [esp] is almost always hot in L1 cache and won't cause contention with any other core. This idiom may still be more efficient than MFENCE as a stand-alone memory barrier, especially on AMD CPUs.

xchg [mem], reg is probably the most efficient way to implement a sequential-consistency store, vs. mov+mfence, on both Intel and AMD. mfence on Skylake at least blocks out-of-order execution of non-memory instructions, but xchg and other locked ops don't. Compilers other than gcc do use xchg for stores, even when they don't care about reading the old value.

Motivation for this design decision:

Without it, software would have to use 1-byte locks (or some kind of available atomic type) to guard accesses to 32bit integers, which is hugely inefficient compared to shared atomic read access for something like a global timestamp variable updated by a timer interrupt. It's probably basically free in silicon to guarantee for aligned accesses of bus-width or smaller.

For locking to be possible at all, some kind of atomic access is required. (Actually, I guess the hardware could provide some kind of totally different hardware-assisted locking mechanism.) For a CPU that does 32bit transfers on its external data bus, it just makes sense to have that be the unit of atomicity.

Since you offered a bounty, I assume you were looking for a long answer that wandered into all interesting side topics. Let me know if there are things I didn't cover that you think would make this Q&A more valuable for future readers.

Since you linked one in the question, I highly recommend reading more of Jeff Preshing's blog posts.

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