What Are the Android Sdk Build-Tools, Platform-Tools and Tools? and Which Version Should Be Used

What is Android SDK build-tools, platform-tools and tools?

Build-Tools is a component
of the Android SDK required for building Android apps. It's installed
in the /build-tools/ directory

So, build tool is to build your android app. That is like the makefile for C projects. Output is an APK file.

Android SDK Tools is a component for the Android SDK. It includes the
complete set of development and debugging tools for Android. It is
included with Android Studio.

So, Platform tool is where all the tool to interact with the android device you have, such as fastboot and adb. For example, to install your apk into the devices, run it, debug it, and grep some file from it, you need to first connect your device to adb bridge and run all those command on it.

Let's say that I want to build my app for API level 19. what level of
platform tools and build tools do I need to install.

Basically, you should have all the latest thing here. If you are deploying for a API 19 device, you should also have the Android SDK platform 19.

I haven't touch those things in a while, because I install all those things anyway, so I'd appreciate correction.

What is difference between SDK tool and Build Tool in Android SDK Components?

SDK TOOL : A software development toolkit (SDK) is a set of software tools and programs provided by hardware and software vendors that developers can use to build applications for specific platforms.

BUILD TOOL : Build tools are programs that automate the creation of executable applications from source code. Building incorporates compiling, linking and packaging the code into a usable or executable form.

The Platform tools are more specifically suited to the version of Android that you want to target. Generally, it is best to install the latest Platform tools, after first installation though, you need to keep your Platform-tools constantly updated.

The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a program that allows you to communicate with any Android device. It relies on Platform-tools in order to understand the Android version that is being used.

The Android emulator is what lets you test and monitor apps on a PC, without necessarily needing to have a device available

Do I need all of the Android SDK Build-Tools?

The latest one includes and supports the older ones.

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