Steps to Create APK Expansion File

How to make Android Expansion File using Android Studio?

I've done this on a few projects, but I never figured out a simple way. The instructions at

helped me get my head around the basics, but I found parts of the process (like "android update project") didn't work properly with Gradle.

The instructions below will help you set up your project with the required libraries. After that you can go back to the official docs and figure out what to do with all the stuff you just included.

Add these permissions to AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name=""/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>
<uses-permission android:name=""/>

Add Play Services dependency to build.gradle

dependencies {

compile ''

Open SDK Manager and install Google Play APK Expansion Library and Google Play Licensing Library.

Copy java source files from these folders into your project's source/main/java folder:






Copy drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi and layout into your project's source/main/res folder.

For all files in the values folders, merge content from the file into the matching file in your project.

Create a class which extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver

Add something like this to your manifest:

<receiver android:name="mypackage.MyReceiver"/>

Create a class which extends

Add something like this to your manifest:

<service android:name="mypackage.MyDownloaderService"/>

Compile the project and look for errors relating to


Import your own project resources here instead.

How to create .obb file as main apk expansion file using jobb tool?

i have googled and found that we shold have to make .zip with 0% (No compression) that is mention in

Tip: If you're packaging media files into a ZIP, you can use media playback calls on the files with offset and length controls (such as MediaPlayer.setDataSource() and SoundPool.load()) without the need to unpack your ZIP. In order for this to work, you must not perform additional compression on the media files when creating the ZIP packages. For example, when using the zip tool, you should use the -n option to specify the file suffixes that should not be compressed:
zip -n .mp4;.ogg main_expansion media_files

OR How to make 0% compression zip using winrar?

Sample Image

here see the compression method

so we should have to upload this zip in play store.

so you not need to use

just simply use

ZipResourceFile expansionFile=null;

try {
expansionFile = APKExpansionSupport.getAPKExpansionZipFile(getApplicationContext(),3,0);

AssetFileDescriptor fd = expansionFile.getAssetFileDescriptor("test.mp4");
MediaPlayer mPlayer = new MediaPlayer();

} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

How to add Google Play APK Expansion Library to android studio project?

Apparently there is no way to use APK Expansion Files if you are using Android Studio. (see That kind of sucks. So I guess I go back to using Eclipse.

How can I use Android expansion files using App Bundle?

While the App Bundle Known Issues includes:

Android App Bundles do not support APK expansion files. However, Google Play still requires that app downloads be 100MB or less. So, for example, when first installing your app, the total size of your base APK and its configuration APKs must equal 100 MB or less. Similarly, the total size of any dynamic feature APK and its configuration APKs must be 100 MB or less. After uploading your app bundle, the Play Console warns you if your app bundle results in APKs that violate this restriction.

the Playtime 2018 blog post states that this is changing in the future:

Improved support for large apps: you can now upload large app bundles with installed APK sizes of up to 500MB without needing to use expansion files. This feature is in early access and we will roll it out to all developers in the future.

So it appears that if you need an APK over 100MB in size, you'll need to wait for the 500MB app bundle support to roll out to your developer account. If your video and APK is less than 100MB already, you should be able to upload it directly and skip using APK expansion files entirely right now.

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