Select Distinct Value in Android SQLite

select distinct value in android sqlite

You can use this method:

public Cursor query (boolean distinct, String table, 
String[] columns, String selection,
String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy,
String having, String orderBy, String limit)

Here first argument specifies whether to use distinct or not.

Sqlite select distinct with Where

Ok, then the WHERE clause should look like this:

WHERE TYPE IN ('type2', 'type3')

And in the end, the whole line should look like this:

Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select DISTINCT " + KEY_NUMBER + " from " + TABLE + " WHERE TYPE IN ('type2', 'type3') ORDER BY KEY_NUMBER DESC", null);

display distinct records sqlite android

You want DISTINCT conditions but Android requires the _id column which is a problem because you cannot mix and match: SELECT _id, DISTINCT condition.... However you can use the GROUP BY clause instead:

return myDataBase.query(DB_TABLE, new String[] {"rowid as _id", KEY_CONDITIONS}, 
builder.toString(), symptoms, KEY_CONDITIONS, null, null);

This query:

return myDataBase.rawQuery("SELECT DISTINCT " + KEY_CONDITIONS + " FROM " 
+ DB_TABLE + " " + builder.toString() + symptoms.toString(), null);

Failed because you are passing String[] symptoms in the wrong parameter, try:

return myDataBase.rawQuery("SELECT DISTINCT " + KEY_CONDITIONS + " FROM " 
+ DB_TABLE + " " + builder.toString(), symptoms);

This query:

return myDataBase.query(true, DB_TABLE, new String[] {"rowid as _id", KEY_CONDITIONS}, builder.toString(), symptoms, null, null, null, null);

Failed because DISTINCT is looking at both the id and condition columns. It is the equivalent of: SELECT DISTINCT(_id, conditions) ... You, obviously, only want distinct conditions...

SELECT DISTINCT Not working Android SQLite


So SQLiteQueryBuilder methods that return a Cursor don't allow the Boolean parameter directly.

However after reading the class notes I noticed the method setDistinct and applied it to the SQLiteQueryBuilder.

Now it works and gives me just one unique entry for each state, just what I was trying to do. I did need to remove the other columns and just focus on the state, but thats another issue/solution not related to this question. Suffice to say I had to focus on just the column state and apply the setDistinct to that column only to get the desired result.

Heres the completed code:

public Cursor getData(){
SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase();
SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();
String [] sqlSelect = {"0 _id", "state"};
String sqlTables = "Reefs";
Cursor c = qb.query(db, sqlSelect, null, null, null, null, null);
return c;

how to use distinct in android room

I got the answer by making changes
I have change the query in . rewrite the query to

@Query("SELECT DISTINCT name from country")
public List<String> getCountry();

Then call in the activity like this.

 List<String> co = database.countryDao().getCountry();
for(int i=0; i<co.size();i++) {
Log.d(TAG, "country:" + co.get(i));

It's the problem is in my code get the list by object but i want it in strings. Thanks for all frienda.

How to make... SQLite select DISTINCT - query(true, ...)

First of all you should read SQLiteDatabase reference.

You could use a rawQuery(), here's an example of it :

0 IS_PRESETG_MASTER X INNER JOIN CATEGORY_VIEW Y ON X.CATE_4 = Y.CATE_CODE4 from table where X.IS_SALE = 1 AND Y.IS_LOCKED4 = 0 AND Y.CATE_NAME2 not in ('XXXX')"",new String[]{"data"});

It's just an example, you have to adapt your code to this.

SQLite Android get distinct values

select * from gdata

campain num name file score player
------------- ------ --------- --------- -------- ---------
Campain One 1 Level One test1.xml 1221 john
Campain One 1 Level Two test1.xml 122 john
Campain One 1 Level Two test1.xml 122 dereck
Campain One 1 Level Two test1.xml 122 jon
Campain Two 1 Level Two test1.xml 122 jon
Campain Two 1 Level Two test1.xml 122 jon
Campain Two 1 Level Two test2.xml 122 jon
Campain Three 1 Level Two test2.xml 1122 jon
Campain Three 1 Level Two test2.xml 1122 jon
Campain Three 1 Level Two test2.xml 1122 derekk

select 'All' as campain ,'All'as player,sum(score) score from gdata
select campain,player,sum(score) as score from gdata group by campain,player

campain player score
------------- --------- --------
All All 5319
Campain One dereck 122
Campain One john 1343
Campain One jon 122
Campain Three derekk 1122
Campain Three jon 2244
Campain Two jon 366

select campain,sum(score) as score from gdata group by campain

campain score
------------- --------
Campain One 1587
Campain Three 3366
Campain Two 366

select campain,player,max(score) from (
select campain,player,sum(score) as score from gdata
group by campain,player order by score desc
) as b
group by campain

campain player score
------------- --------- -------------
Campain One john 1343
Campain Three jon 2244
Campain Two jon 366

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