Project Has No Default.Properties File! Edit the Project Properties to Set One

Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one

You should check this.

Don't import it into Eclipse, use create new project from existing source in Eclipse

Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one

If the project already contains a file you can open that file and edit+save it (add a space, save, remove that space, save). That worked for me.

A note with the above discussion: is getting generated automatically by doing the above described process. When I go and remove it, it gets generated again. Neither is it allowing me to edited the automatically generated one. – Compuser7

With respect to the comment quoted above, is indeed an automatically generated class that contains references to all the resources (in the res folder) that belong with your project.

When Eclipse rebuilds, this file is regenerated, since most application (I mean Java code) rely on the fact that there are some resources (images, layouts and string values) available. When you remove the file through Eclipse, Eclipse will see this change in the project as a reason to automatically rebuild (see the options under Project) the project, regenerating the file.

So DON'T try to remove, because Eclipse will regenerate it as soon as you rebuild the project, which will result in a match of patience ;)

Project has no file!

You can use create new project from existing sources option in Eclipse with the location pointing to downloaded project directory.

Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one and already error when create any project

import appcompat

1.File->Import (android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7). Choose "appcompat"

2.Project-> properties->Android. In the section library "Add" and choose "appCompat" and also select build target to API 21.

Just clean your project after that

Project has no file! Edit the project properties to set one

If the project already contains a file you can open that file and edit+save it (add a space, save, remove that space, save). That worked for me.

A note with the above discussion: is getting generated automatically by doing the above described process. When I go and remove it, it gets generated again. Neither is it allowing me to edited the automatically generated one. – Compuser7

With respect to the comment quoted above, is indeed an automatically generated class that contains references to all the resources (in the res folder) that belong with your project.

When Eclipse rebuilds, this file is regenerated, since most application (I mean Java code) rely on the fact that there are some resources (images, layouts and string values) available. When you remove the file through Eclipse, Eclipse will see this change in the project as a reason to automatically rebuild (see the options under Project) the project, regenerating the file.

So DON'T try to remove, because Eclipse will regenerate it as soon as you rebuild the project, which will result in a match of patience ;)

Project has no file

Right click on project -->Android Tools-->Fix Project Properties.....

Project has no target set. Edit the project properties to set one

Using eclipse Juno, and there is no such menu as
Project » Properties » Java Build Path anywhere.

Closest menu entry is Window->preferences->android but in that menu it is not possible to remove any entries.

My solution now is to create another project with files having the exact same name as the original project and then manually copy and paste the code.

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