Is There a Realm Browser for Linux

Is there a realm browser for Linux?

I am happy to say that my previous answer is now obsolete. Realm Studio ( supports Linux, macOS and Windows.

How do I view my Realm file in the Realm Browser?

Currently the Realm Browser doesn't support accessing databases directly on the device, so you need to copy the database from the emulator/phone to view it. That can be done by using ADB:

adb pull /data/data/<packagename>/files/ .

That command will pull all Realm files created using Realm.getInstance(new RealmConfiguration.Builder().build()) . The default database is called default.realm.

Note that this will only work on a emulator or if the device is rooted.

How to install realm studio on linux/Ubuntu?

It is actually quite easy, all you need to do is set its privilege to be executable:

chmod +x realm-studio-1.20.0-x86_64.AppImage

And then you can run it now


Make db file on a linux server

Update #2

We released the Node.js SDK, which can be used on the server-side to access Realms.

This however doesn't include the new synchronization capabilities though. Server-side access to synced Realms remains exclusive to the Enterprise Edition of the Realm Mobile Platform.


We released the Realm Mobile Platform. You can use this to real-time synchronize Realm files served via the Realm Object Server, over a custom protocol on top of HTTP which will only transmit the deltas.

For the Enterprise Edition of the Realm Mobile Platform, we offer a Node.js binding, which can be used for server-side access.

Realm's Core is now open-source.

Original Answer

There isn't really a suitable binding for servers yet - not if you don't want to run an OS X machine. I don't know about experiences with building Realm's Objective-C binding on GNUstep's alternative FoundationKit implementation, but you will likely run into issues, where it will be hard to assist you, because that's a completely untested configuration.

Note though that this is generally an issue, we're investigating. We're not yet at the point, where we can expose an official C++ binding / a public API of the underlying Core, which is the shared codebase between Cocoa and Java.

How to find my realm file?

Finding a Realm File

For Android

How to view my Realm file in the Realm Browser?

For iOS

If your App is on Device

Make sure that your device is connected and go to the devices window in the Xcode menu Window > Devices (⌘⇧2). There you will be able to choose your device and your app from a list of installed apps with debugging permissions.

After selecting your app, go to the cog in the toolbar at the bottom of the table view and select “Download Container…“. There you will be able to pull the file from the documents location to your Mac. It will be saved as an xcappdata bundle.

When you open the local path in Finder, where you saved it, you can tap into that by selecting “Show Package Contents” in the context menu of the finder, when you select the file. A new finder window will open, where you find your Realm inside in the following path (e.g.): AppData/Documents/default.realm (The directory '/private/var/mobile' is the path, which is used by iOS on the device filesystem.

If your App is on the Simulator

Go to your user’s directory:


Probably the easiest way to get the current path of the default realm is to pause the simulator and enter the following into the LLDB console:


(lldb) po [RLMRealmConfiguration defaultConfiguration].fileURL

Swift using Realm Objective-C:

(lldb) po RLMRealmConfiguration.defaultConfiguration().fileURL

Swift using Realm Swift:

(lldb) po Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.fileURL

Or if you have an RLMRealm instance at hand, you can use:

(lldb) po myRealm.configuration.fileURL

Then just copy this path, open your terminal, and type open [Pasted path here]

NOTE: Some paths have a space in them so be sure to use "\" before the space to escape it

Helper Tool SimPholders

This is probably the fastest way to find the file of an app in the simulator. Install SimPholders. This will allow you to access your app’s documents directory directly from your menu bar.

Note Some people have mentioned that SimPholders has taken them to the wrong simulator app folder, if that's the case for you, print out your realm path by following the steps above, printing out your realm.path

Realm browser is not opening because of another process

You can check which process is using a file. On MacOS and Linux you can do it this way (replace myfilename with your actual database name):

lsof | grep myfilename.realm

You can kill the process using the file if needed.

If no process is running and the error still appears, you can safely delete the myfilename.realm.lock file.

Able to connect to object server, but not open a realm

I've been experimenting with ROS lately, I have it working against a locally hosted ROS, haven't gotten to AWS hosting yet.

I noticed you don't have a port listed in the Realm URL for your configuration ...

Adding a realm in Websphere Linux Server

That's got nothing to do with your application server.

You define Realms in the MobileFirst project that you created using either MobileFirst Studio or the CLI tool (in which case you then edit a file in whichever code/text editor of your choosing).

In both cases the file to edit is called authenticationConfig.xml and is located in the your-project\server\conf\ folder.

Before touching this file, though, you should familiar yourself with the authentication concept in MobileFirst Platform because you do not simply "add a realm". You are required to also configure its associated Login Module and security tests as well as actually utilize it somewhere in your application's logic.

Please read:

  • Developer Center: Authentication and Security
  • Knowledge Center: MobileFirst Security Framework

The tutorials and documentations topic above will also lead you to Adapter-based authentication, which is what you are supposedly actually looking for.

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