HTML Email Looking Different in Gmail App

Outlook Emails I send look different in the app versus the browser. Mainly formatting and background color

A common email problem in general is that dark mode on browsers and phones can act weird and cause issues with background colors.

HTML Email on Gmail App not rendering

So I discovered that it's all because of the Gmail app's "Auto-resize" or "Auto-fit" options!

The solution was to add a "min-width: 620px" (the size of my widest bit of email) to any 620px full width part.

Sometimes it's just finding the right thing to search for is what helps :)


Thought I'd post the answer as I'd got it in case someone finds this in the future!

My HTML email looks good on desktop, and iOS Gmail, but not Android Gmail. How do I eliminate the weird whitespace in between td ?

If I open your HTML in Chrome on desktop on macOS, and I zoom in or zoom out, I get the exact same rendering issue as in your screenshot. My guess is the problem is that the Gmail app on your phone is auto-scaling the email to fit the screen, thus giving a similar rendering than what we can see in desktop in Chrome.

My advice would be first to get rid of the giant table with colspan and rowspan and replace this with individual nested tables. You might also try to make more simple slices of images in order to help the auto-scaling. If you manage to make it right in Chrome at different zoom levels, it should be ok on your phone.

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