How to Use Google Login API with Cordova/Phonegap

How to use Google Login API with Cordova/Phonegap

Google has dropped support for the accepted answer above! After April 20th 2017 use of the In-App browser as described by @Deep Mehta will no longer be supported. If you use the accepted answer then it is going to start failing very soon.

Here's Google's post about the change:

Luckily there's a new plugin that wraps up all the funcitonality that you need to do this:
and on NPM

Here's an article on how to use it in Ionic 1 and 2 also:

Again - DO NOT USE THE ACCEPTED ANSWER! It will fail after April 20 2017.

Using the Google API javascript in Cordova / Phonegap

I managed to figure out the problem, why wasn´t getting the serverAuthCode from plugin.
It is necessary to create 2 credentials on the Google Developers Console. The 1st must be Android, this will be for the plugin and the 2nd should be a Web App, this is necessary to achieve serverAuthCode.

The code looks like this

'scopes': ' profile',
'offline': true,
'webApiKey': ‘REVERSED_CODE of Web App Credential’
function (obj) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.srcImage = obj.imageUrl;
$scope.NomeGoogle = obj.displayName;

var data = $.param({
client_id: 'REVERSED_CODE of Web App Credential',
client_secret: 'SECRET_CODE of Web App Credential',
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
code: obj.serverAuthCode

var config = {
headers : {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8;'

$"", data, config).success(function(data, status) {

/** from now you can do use of google API **/

.error(function(data, status) {

function (msg) {
alert('error: ' + msg);

Thank you for your reply rojobo

How to redirect to Google Auth in PhoneGap Cordova?

Try to use the InAppBrowser plugin to open the external website.

Phonegap app runs with file:// protocol, and HTTP requests always go through the proxy server, maybe the proxy server can't process the auth request successfully.

Add Social Login (FB/Google) to Cordova Typescript project

There is some plugins for this in cordova with types folder.
This is for Facebook and this is for google.

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