How to Set Recyclerview App:Layoutmanager="" from Xml

How to set RecyclerView app:layoutManager= from XML?

As you can check in the doc:

Class name of the Layout Manager to be used.

The class must extend androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerViewView$LayoutManager and have either a default constructor or constructor with the signature (android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int)

If the name starts with a '.', application package is prefixed. Else, if the name contains a '.', the classname is assumed to be a full class name. Else, the recycler view package (androidx.appcompat.widget) is prefixed

With androidx you can use:


With the support libraries you can use:

app:layoutManager="" >

Also you can add these attributes:

  • android:orientation = "horizontal|vertical": to control the orientation of the LayoutManager (eg:LinearLayoutManager)
  • app:spanCount: to set the number of columns for GridLayoutManager





You can also add them using the tools namespace (i.e. tools:orientation and tools:layoutManager) and then it only impacts the IDE preview and you can continue setting those values in code.

How to build a horizontal ListView with RecyclerView

Is there a better way to implement this now with RecyclerView now?


When you use a RecyclerView, you need to specify a LayoutManager that is responsible for laying out each item in the view. The LinearLayoutManager allows you to specify an orientation, just like a normal LinearLayout would.

To create a horizontal list with RecyclerView, you might do something like this:

LinearLayoutManager layoutManager
= new LinearLayoutManager(requireContext(), LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false);

RecyclerView myList = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;

RecyclerView has no LayoutManager | Kotlin

This error occurs when you've created same layout for multiple SDK or orientation and not mentioned the view in all the layout files, say for: activity_main.xml(v21)or activity_main(land) and so on. All the layouts should contain all the views with same IDs.

FIX: I had another activity_home(v21) layout that was cause the problems. Make sure you don't have multiple layouts that will cause problems. It was detecting no LayoutManager in the v21 version layout.

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