How to Pause Android.Speech.Tts.Texttospeech

How to pause android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech?

The TTS SDK doesn't have any pause functionality that I know of. But you could use synthesizeToFile() to create an audio file that contains the TTS output. Then, you would use a MediaPlayer object to play, pause, and stop playing the file. Depending on how long the text string is, it might take a little longer for audio to be produced because the synthesizeToFile() function would have to complete the entire file before you could play it, but this delay should be acceptable for most applications.

Pause in TTS android

There is a way to pause. Just call TextToSpeech.playSilence() see the code below from here.

It speaks some actual text along with some silence.

private void playScript()
Log.d(TAG, "started script");
// setup

// id to send back when saying the last phrase
// so the app can re-enable the "speak" button
HashMap<String, String> lastSpokenWord = new HashMap<String, String>();

// add earcon
final String EARCON_NAME = "[tone]";
tts.addEarcon(EARCON_NAME, "root.gast.playground", R.raw.tone);

// add prerecorded speech
final String CLOSING = "[Thank you]";
tts.addSpeech(CLOSING, "root.gast.playground",

// pass in null to most of these because we do not want a callback to
// onDone
tts.playEarcon(EARCON_NAME, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, null);
tts.playSilence(1000, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, null);
tts.speak("Attention readers: Use the try button to experiment with"
+ " Text to Speech. Use the diagnostics button to see "
+ "detailed Text to Speech engine information.",
TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, null);
tts.playSilence(500, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, null);
tts.speak(CLOSING, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, lastSpokenWord);


How to Pause Text to Speech on Android Java

Since the TextToSpeech class doesn't have pause/resume methods, I would suggest doing the following:

1) Divide the book into sentences instead of 500 character blocks. (You could parse using "." as the delimiter).

2) Introduce a "master index" counter, X, that tracks progress as: we are at sentence # X / total sentences.

3) When user clicks pause, just use the stop() method.

4) When the user clicks resume, resume speech at the beginning of the sentence that was interrupted.

This will lead to better user comprehension (of the book) than literally pausing and resuming mid-sentence, anyway.

TTS pause button, I only can stop it complete, but not to resume

Have you considered playing a silence for the duration of a pause, like you do between utterances? Previous answer:

Since playSilence() is asynchronous you don't want to just loop a bunch of times since it won't wait for the previous utterance to finish. You can use the tts progress listener to know when to start a new clip (or silence).

Another poster has also suggested writing the TTS output to a file, the playback of which can be paused.

Text-To-Speech STOP Issue

It is hard to tell without looking at your code what you are doing wrong, but you should be able to call TextToSpeech.stop() or TextToSpeech.shutdown() in your onPause and make that work. It is possible the stop fails for any number of reasons, and if it does then you're just out of luck. This works for me consistently on 6 different models of Android device (mTts is my TextToSpeech instance):

protected void onStop()

if(mTts != null){

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