How to Pass Arraylist<Customeobject> from One Activity to Another

How to pass ArrayList CustomeObject from one activity to another?

You can pass an ArrayList<E> the same way, if the E type is Serializable.

You would call the putExtra (String name, Serializable value) of Intent to store, and getSerializableExtra (String name) for retrieval.


ArrayList<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
intent.putExtra("mylist", myList);

In the other Activity:

ArrayList<String> myList = (ArrayList<String>) getIntent().getSerializableExtra("mylist");

Passing arraylist of custom object to another activity

You can't have DoctorObject#writeToParcel() empty, that is what actually copies the object data.

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
// the order you write to the Parcel has to be the same order you read from the Parcel

And to read back your data in the other activity, use getParcelableArrayListExtra

ArrayList<DoctorObject> list = b.getParcelableArrayListExtra("NAME");

Passing ArrayList CustomObject Between Activities

This code

Bundle informacion= new Bundle();
informacion.putParcelableArrayList("eventos", ArrayList<Eventos> eventos);

Should be

Bundle informacion = new Bundle();
ArrayList<Eventos> mas = new ArrayList<Eventos>();
informacion.putSerializable("eventos", mas);

and Make sure your Eventos structure like a serializable object

private class Eventos implements Serializable {


Reading Values

ArrayList<Eventos> madd=getIntent().getSerializableExtra(key);

How to pass ArrayList Custom_Object from one activity to another in Android?

I can give a suggestion. I do this in my project.

1.Implement a singleton class as the bridge to pass object. (Hopefully you know what's singleton, I you don't, add comment to tell me.

class BridgeClass {
private BridgeClass() {}

static BridgeClass obj = nil;
public BridgeClass instance() {
if (obj == nil) obj = new BridgeClass();
return obj;

public ArrayList<CUSTOM_OBJECT> cache;

2.In the from activity,

BridgeClass.instance().cache = Cus_Obje_arraylist;

3.Then in the to activity, you can get it from the bridge class.

ArrayList<CUSTOM_OBJECT> Cus_Obje_arraylist = BridgeClass.instance().cache;

How to pass custom object arraylist from activity to fragment with instance

Can you try ?

public static final NewCustomer newInstance(ArrayList<customers> mArrayList) {

NewCustomer f = new NewCustomer();
Bundle bdl = new Bundle(1); = mArrayList; // assign its Value
bdl.putParcelableArrayList(data, mArrayList);
return f;
} = mArrayList will assign value to the current member variable of fragment. Now it can we be accessed in current fragment.

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