How to Hide the Share Action (Which Use Most) Icon Near the Share Action Provider

How to hide the share action (which use most) icon near the share action provider?

If you wish to keep all the share history data model, but just don't want the extra "default share activity" icom. The answer at How do you turn off share history when using ShareActionProvider? is not good enough.

What you should do is:

  • Copy these classes from the ActionBarSherlock to your project code

  • At your class, import the which you just copied instead of the ActionBarShelock file location
  • At the -

    • find the line if (activityCount > 0 && historySize > 0)
    • replace this line with if (false) (it's pretty ugly, but it's the quickest fix. you can delve into the code to remove all occurrences of DefaultActivity implementation)

Don't forget to set the new ActionProvider to your menu item, from XML it would look like: android:actionProviderClass="com.*.CustomShareActionProvider"

That's it!

How do you turn off share history when using ShareActionProvider?

There is no API to do this. However, the class is really simple and you could very easily create your own version of ShareActionProvider that did not keep a history. You would just have to determine the sort order of the possible targets using some other means of ordering (e.g., alphabetically).

Remove extra icon at actionbar (when using ShareActionProvider and ActionBarSherlock)

I don't know if you resolved your problem but I had the same issue to remove history of ShareActionProvider. I tried everything and the near answer I found was the same as you (How to hide the share action icon?).

After some researches, I found this trick on the second comment:

Action Bar Sherlock has depreciated methods

  1. Copy/Paste the 3 classes (ShareActionProvider, ActivityChooserView and ActivityChooverModel) from ABS to your package.
  2. Replace the import by yours with your own package.
  3. Change the line if (activityCount > 0 && historySize > 0) by if (false) in your new ActivityChooserView.

    (You will get an error: "setActived" is not available for your current version)
  4. Save it and close the class.
  5. Replace the class in your menu.xml your item by android:actionProviderClass="com.myapp.ShareActionProvider"
  6. In your Manifest, make the minSdkVersion equals to 11. Save your project. Clean it.
  7. Return to your Manifest, replace your minSdkVersion by the old one you used. Save and clean.

It works perfectly. Let me know if this tip resolved your problem.

How to hide last sharing icon?

Don't use the ShareActionProvider when creating your ActionBar, instead, just use a standard MenuItem (and set the icon to share). Then you will not see the last share option.

How to fix the share icon in the support actionbar

As mentioned here when using support library this can be fixed really easily. This method won't turn off the share history but will hide the icons from actionbar.
I just needed to subclass the Android.Support.V7.Widget.ShareActionProvider like the following: (C# using Xamarin)

public class MyShareActionProvider : Android.Support.V7.Widget.ShareActionProvider
public SingleArticleShareActionProvider (Context context) : base (context)

public override View OnCreateActionView ()
return null;

and then inside OnCreateOptionsMenu use the MyShareActionProvider like:

var share_article = menu.FindItem (Resource.Id.action_share);
var share = new SingleArticleShareActionProvider (globalContext);

Android.Support.V4.View.MenuItemCompat.SetActionProvider (share_article, share);
share_article.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.abc_ic_menu_share_mtrl_alpha);
share.SetShareIntent (CreateIntent ());

You can use any icon you like with the method SetIcon.

ShareActionProvider Shows two Icons A System Icon And A share Icon

That's exactly what a ShareActionProvider is supposed to look like. If you just want a share button, then stop using ShareActionProvider. I.e., update your XML to remove the ShareActionProvider:


(You'll need to add your own @drawable/share to your app such as one from the material design icons).

Then override your onOptionsItemSelected() method to start your share when the menu item is tapped:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
switch(item.getMenuId()) {
Intent shareIntent = createShareIntent();
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

You don't need to do anything in onCreateOptionsMenu except inflating your menu.

Remove most recent share app

If you don't want to show recent share app then remove ShareActionprovider.
and add a icon to menu and handle share action like this

Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND); 
String shareBody = "Here is the share content body";
sharingIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "Subject Here");
sharingIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, shareBody);
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sharingIntent, "Share via"));

Setting a custom share icon on Actionbar ShareActionProvider without ActionBarSherlock

You can subclass ShareActionProvider, overriding only the constructor and createActionView().

From here, you can get the View from super, casting it to ActivityChooserView so you can call
setExpandActivityOverflowButtonDrawable(Drawable) to change the icon.

package com.yourpackagename.whatever;

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;

import com.yourpackagename.R;

public class CustomShareActionProvider extends ShareActionProvider {

private final Context mContext;

public CustomShareActionProvider(Context context) {
mContext = context;

public View onCreateActionView() {
ActivityChooserView chooserView =
(ActivityChooserView) super.onCreateActionView();

// Set your drawable here
Drawable icon =


return chooserView;

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