How to Create a Multilingual Android Application

How can I create a multilingual android application?

Yes, there is a recommended way to manage multiple languages

Multilanguage support is easy done for android. Create a new values directory for the language with the suffix of the language code. For german: values-de or french: values-fr than copy your string.xml into that and translate each entry. Thats all you need.

Do android support multiple languages?

Providing you follow the recommendations, detecting which language the user prefers is automatic.

Have a read of this:

make multi language android application

From my observations, weird behaviour was affecting only Activity titles, and I found that I was setting translations of activity titles in Manifest file. Only these translations were misbehaving. All other dynamically set translations were working fine.
So, to fix the problem, I removed all activity labels from Manifest file, then set activity titles in onCreate method as below:


Problem solved.

Android : How can i make my application multilingual?

The thing that you need to do is to create new folders in your res folder.

Example : If you need to add support to spanish and italian you need to do it like this :

  1. res folder

    1.1 values

    1.2 values-es // spanish

    1.3 values-it // italian

And after that you need to create string.xml files in values-es and values-it. And in all files you just need to create all string which you want to use like this :

<string name="title">Title</string>  // in values folder
<string name="title">Title in Spanish</string> // in values-es folder
and etc.

And after that you can use these string as :

TextView text = (TextView) findViewById(;

And this should work.

Multiple Language Support Android APP

You will need to create different String.xml depending the languages you want to target as JDenais says, in my app i have the following

Sample Image

for example the first arab string consist in the same as Strings.xml but with all in arab, now, you only need to call one string in your xml files and it will just select where to grab depending on the phone language. Or in default the language from where the app was downloaded by google play, in fact, they are all the same strings.xml , so you dont need to specify which one you want to pull the translated text from, just replicate your main strings.xml in your other strings.xml and then the phone will decide where to pull the data.

Sample Image

Also please read the official doc on how to accomplish this

Also please check the language ISO Codes here

What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android?

Enabling multi language support for android application

Just forget everything and just implement the below code Snippet

Inside your build.gradle file

resConfigs "en", "ar"

And inside your activity:

public void onClick(View view)





public void recreate()
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14)

private void updateLanguage(String language)
Locale locale = new Locale(language);
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.locale = locale;
getBaseContext().getResources().updateConfiguration(config, getBaseContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics());

SharedPreferences languagepref = getSharedPreferences("language",MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = languagepref.edit();


How can I create a multilingual android application for right to left languages?

Official support was introduced in Android 4.2, see RTL Layout Support. You can query whether it is being used through enter link description here.

You can either try and use the same layout in all cases, or specify a specific layout in 'layout-ldrtl'.

As per your example, if you're using the RelativeLayout you need to use the android:layout_alignParentStart attribute, rather than the android:layout_alignParentLeft to shift your label from left to right automatically.

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