How to Configure Gmail in Android Emulator

How can i configure gmail in Android emulator?

Just as you do it on any android phone, remember the emulator will always try to behave as a regular device, so i leave you some screenshot to help you out:

Sample Image

Sample Image

Then you just set your email and password.

Seems that you are getting a "Unable to open connection to server.", please do the following:

  • Check if you can browse with your emulator
  • if above is true then try:
    Password: ******
    And on next you'll see a configuration where you can change the server change it to

Let me know!

You can also see the following step by step guide-

How to install email client on emulator

Open the Email app, and configure an account with it. Then you will be able to send email intents.

How do I register my Google Account in the AVD android emulator running 2.1 Google api level 7?

As CommonsWare says:

I do not believe that was supported for Android 2.1. Note that Android
2.1 is on only 2.2% of Android devices, as of the February 2013 dashboard

Accessing Gmail content provider on Android emulator?

How do I get the Gmail content provider on the emulator?

You don't. Gmail is a commercial application, distributed on devices, not the emulator. You are welcome to test this app on a device that has Gmail on it, though.

why cannot an emulator send email in android

This migh be helpful Android Email Intent

If you are using an emulator, you’ll
need to configure the email client. If
the email client is not configured, it
will not respond to the Intent we’ll
be discussing. If you want to see the
chooser in action, you’ll need to
configure a device using multiple
messaging applications, such as the
Gmail application and the Email

But using a phone might be way better and easy for sure.

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