How to Add Dividers and Spaces Between Items in Recyclerview

Margin between items in recycler view Android

I faced similar issue, with RelativeLayout as the root element for each row in the recyclerview.

To solve the issue, find the xml file that holds each row and make sure that the root element's height is wrap_content NOT match_parent.

Improve spacing between recycleView items

What you're asking for is something with the visual look of a Chip from Material Components. While the documentation for Chips suggests putting them in a ChipGroup, this loses the benefit of recycling views if you have more than enough to cover the screen. On the other hand, if they need to behave like a RadioGroup, where you can select only one to be toggled at a time, then ChipGroup would be easier to use.

To do this with RecylerView, you can change your item view layouts to use a Chip instead of a TextView. Set the item's layout width to wrapContent. Then use Google's Flexbox Layout library to get the layout with variable length items.

In Gradle dependencies: implementation ''

In your activity:

recyclerView.layoutManager = FlexboxLayoutManager(this)
.apply { flexDirection = FlexDirection.ROW }

Sample Image

There's a related question here that is helpful.

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