Getting Wifi Signal Strength in Android

Get signal strength of WIFI and Mobile Data


WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager)context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
int linkSpeed = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getRssi();

In case of mobile it should work:

TelephonyManager telephonyManager =        (TelephonyManager)this.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
CellInfoGsm cellinfogsm = (CellInfoGsm)telephonyManager.getAllCellInfo().get(0);
CellSignalStrengthGsm cellSignalStrengthGsm = cellinfogsm.getCellSignalStrength();

Then You should compare this signal levels and if WIFI signal is better keep it turn on, but if mobile is better disconnect wifi

How to get signal strength of connected WiFi android?

Hope it works..

public void onReceive(WifiManager wifiManager) {
int numberOfLevels=5;
WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
int level=WifiManager.calculateSignalLevel(wifiInfo.getRssi(), numberOfLevels);
System.out.println("Bars =" +level);

Android: How to monitor WiFi signal strength

First, make sure you have <uses-permission> for ACCESS_WIFI_STATE in your manifest.

Second, I'm not sure about notifications for a single connection, but to get notifications of everything the radio is seeing, you can start a scan:


Next, when I've received successful results, I used WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION in the IntentFilter.

Then, in the receiver, I use getScanResults() from the WifiManager object, which also contains the signal strength.

For stopping it this way, you simply call to unregisterRecever() (so you'll want to keep it around for referencing). I haven't tested myself to see if my scanning code can be modified to just check the current connection, but I do know I got plenty of results -- Wi-Fi signals change frequently and quickly. I suppose for monitoring a single connection, you can also just filter the scan results and look for the one the device is currently connected to.

I hope this helps a little.

How to get the connection strength of Wifi access points?

According to the Android API documentation WifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks() does not fill the signal strength paramters. This data only represents the remembered access point settings, not the visible ones.

To get actually visible networks you must call WifiManager.startScan() to initiate WiFi radio scanning and WifiManager.getScanResults() after a while to get the scanning results.

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