Fileprovider - Illegalargumentexception: Failed to Find Configured Root

FileProvider - IllegalArgumentException: Failed to find configured root

Your file is stored under getExternalFilesDir(). That maps to <external-files-path>, not <files-path>. Also, your file path does not contain images/ in it, so the path attribute in your XML is invalid.

Replace res/xml/file_paths.xml with:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<external-files-path name="my_images" path="/" />

UPDATE 2020 MAR 13

Provider path for a specific path as followings:

  • <files-path/> --> Context.getFilesDir()
  • <cache-path/> --> Context.getCacheDir()
  • <external-path/> --> Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
  • <external-files-path/> --> Context.getExternalFilesDir(String)
  • <external-cache-path/> --> Context.getExternalCacheDir()
  • <external-media-path/> --> Context.getExternalMediaDirs()


FileProvider: Failed to find configured root

The documentation for FileProvider says that <files-path>:

Represents files in the files/ subdirectory of your app's internal storage area. This subdirectory is the same as the value returned by Context.getFilesDir().

Your file is not in internal storage. It is in external storage. For that, you need an <external-path> element, not a <files-path> element.

Android: FileProvider IllegalArgumentException Failed to find configured root that contains /data/data/**/files/Videos/final.mp4

You have your name and your path flipped. name is what goes in the Uri, and path is the relative location within the root on the filesystem.

Go with:

<files-path name="my_docs" path="Videos/" />

FileProvider not working with Failed to find configured root that contains


path="docs" />


When you specify path as docs the sub-directories are not included. You get the exception because its not expecting to share the subdirectories. To include them append / at the end as follows:


<external-files-path name="my_docs" path="docs/" />


Android: IllegalArgumentException: Failed to find configured root that contains /data/data/

In filepaths.xml you need

<cache-path name="shared_images_from_glide_cache" path="image_manager_disk_cache"/>

This will result in mapping

new File("/data/data/com.example.glide02/cache/image_manager_disk_cache/5a992029460eed14244e8b970d969d45518b2f7ac10f71eb26bd0aaf7c3bcf06.0")



(Not sure if I got it exactly right, but you should get the point.)

File Provider Exception : Failed to find configured root that contains





<external-files-path> already points to the location that you are identifying in path.

Android: FileProvider.getUriForFile Failed to find configured root

Replace path="Android/data/asmund.thomas.group_project/files/Pictures/" with path=".".

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