Don't Reload Application When Orientation Changes

Don't reload application when orientation changes

There are generally three ways to do this:

  1. As some of the answers suggested, you could distinguish the cases of your activity being created for the first time and being restored from savedInstanceState. This is done by overriding onSaveInstanceState and checking the parameter of onCreate.

  2. You could lock the activity in one orientation by adding android:screenOrientation="portrait" (or "landscape") to <activity> in your manifest.

  3. You could tell the system that you meant to handle screen changes for yourself by specifying android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" in the <activity> tag. This way the activity will not be recreated, but will receive a callback instead (which you can ignore as it's not useful for you).

Personally I'd go with (3). Of course if locking the app to one of the orientations is fine with you, you can also go with (2).

android prevent refresh on change orientation

By declaring android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" you instruct Activity Manager to not restart your activity and let you handle configuration change via onConfigurationChanged().

If your application doesn't need to update resources during a specific configuration change and you have a performance limitation that requires you to avoid the activity restart, then you can declare that your activity handles the configuration change itself, which prevents the system from restarting your activity.


Which means that onCreate() will be skipped on configuration changed, and you cannot swap your layout (since onCreate() is where you recreate the view).

In your case, you want to change layout, so there is no choice but to refresh your activity, which means to remove android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize". If you want to keep the state, you can save and check the Bundle passed to your onCreate() to restore state accordingly.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// set your layoutId according to landscape/portrait
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
// restore your state here

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
// save your state here

For more reference:

Android App orientation change restarts activity

Actually you shouldn't prevent the Activity to be restarted. It is neccessary to recreate the Activity after a rotation change for several reasons. One of it is that the layout has to be inflated to deal with the changed screen size and things like that (it's easy to imagine that the layout is totally different in portrait than it is in landscape mode).
However, there is a way you can tell the system that you deal with the screen changes by yourself. Therefore change the line in your manifest




The activity won't be recreated then. You'll get a callback via the onConfigurationChanged() method so you can do something when the orientation has changed. If you don't want to do anything when the configuration has changed, just don't override the onConfigurationMethod() in your Activity. Read this section in the Android Developers API Guide for more information.

I got this from this answer. There are two more approaches in the answer but I think the one I described above is the best in your case.

EDIT: Maybe you have to add keyboard|keyboardHidden to the android:configChanges attribute as well, as stated in this answer

EDIT #2: If you want to retrieve the current orientation of the device you can call


which will return the constants ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT or ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE.

If you're interested in the exact rotation angle, use

int rotation =  getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();

and implement a differentiation with something like a switch case described here.

And a third way to determine the device's rotation is getRequestedOrientation() which will return a constant defined in the documentation

Refreshing resource after screen orientation changes

Firstly, don't use configChanges. That's the lazy way out and will end up biting you in the future. Drawables are cached, so it's likely that this is causing issues with getting the proper image for the orientation (which would explain why it works once but not after). You could get around this by having two drawables -- one named splash_bg_port, one named splash_bg_land, and use those, switching on the orientation you receive from newConfig.

Also, if your splash_bg is a layer-list with bitmap items, I've noticed that sometimes it doesn't pull from the correct resource folders (due to caching) after the first time you access the drawable.

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