Displaying Emoticons in Android

How to display Emoji in Jetpack Compose?

I was able to find this issue, which is probably related to your Text problem.

As to AppCompatTextView, it has default semi-transparent text color. Setting any color with alpha 1f solves the problem:

AppCompatTextView(context).apply {
text = " hello"
textSize = 28F
textAlignment = View.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER

How to Display Emoticons/Emoji in Snackbar or Toast / Textview

After cross referencing Supported Unicode Sequences as well as the Visual Unicode Database I realized that \u1F601 was a 32 bit Unicode representation, and the 16bit representation can be set like :

Toast.makeText(this, "Smileys = " + ("\ud83d\ude01"),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Change the last digit of ("\ud83d\ude01")unicode to change the smiley

Refer these links



How to set emoji by unicode in a textview?

Found a solution:

In my unicode I replaced 'U+' by '0x'

Example: replace 'U+1F60A' by '0x1F60A'

This way I got an 'int' like

int unicode = 0x1F60A;

Which can be used with

public String getEmojiByUnicode(int unicode){
return new String(Character.toChars(unicode));

So Textview displays without Drawable

Try it with http://apps.timwhitlock.info/emoji/tables/unicode

Display emoji/emotion icon in Android TextView

You could also try to find the emoji using a regular expression: "[\ue415\ue056\ue057]", instead of comparing the bytes. /p>

Displaying emoticons in Android

I would try using a regular expression to replace all occurrences of each emoticon with an <img> tag. Then, convert that HTML into a SpannedString via Html.fromHtml(). That SpannedString can be used in a setText() call on TextView.

Display \u00F0\u009F\u0098\u0098 string to emoji in android textview?

String title = new String(c.getString("title").getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");

While Parsing the response I used this now instead of:

String title = String(c.getString("title");

This solved my emoji issue.

display built-in emoji keys for inputmethod

Thanks for all the suggestions. What I got to work for showing an emoji layout in my custom keyboard was the following:

  1. In the .xml layout file, for each emoji you want to add, create a line like this: <Key android:codes="0x1F602" android:keyLabel="\ud83d\ude02"/>

  2. When committing the key, use: getCurrentInputConnection().commitText(String.valueOf(Character.toChars(primaryCode)), 1);

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