Asynctask and Error Handling on Android

AsyncTask and error handling on Android

It works fine but is it the "right"
approach and is there better

I hold onto the Throwable or Exception in the AsyncTask instance itself and then do something with it in onPostExecute(), so my error handling has the option of displaying a dialog on-screen.

How to gracefully handle exception inside AsyncTask in Android?

You can't show dialog in non-ui thread. You can pass activity reference to async task. To handle this situation you can try catch the exception in doInBackground and re-throw it in onPostExecute


private class MyAsyncTaskTask extends AsyncTask<...> {

private Activity ownerActivity;
private Exception exceptionToBeThrown;

public MyAsyncTaskTask(Activity activity) {
// keep activity reference
this.ownerActivity = activity;

protected Long doInBackground(...) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// save exception and re-thrown it then.
exceptionToBeThrown = e;

protected void onPostExecute(...) {
// Check if exception exists.
if (exceptionToBeThrown != null) {
throw exceptionToBeThrown;

If you async task is in Acvitiy class, then you can directly access it, e.g.,

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
AsyncTask<...> task = new AsyncTask<...>() {
public void onPostExecute(...) {
// Access activity directly

How to set proper error message on AsyncTask in android studio?

You should create new AsyncTaskResult with passing your exception object, something like this :

AsyncTask<String, String, AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject>> jsonLoader = new AsyncTask<String, String, AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject>>() {

protected AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject> doInBackground(
String... params) {
try {
// get your JSONObject from the server
return new AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject>(JSon Object);
} catch (Exception E) {
return new AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject>(E);

protected void onPostExecute(AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject> result) {
if ( result.getError() != null ) {
// error handling here
} else {
JSONObject yourResult = result.getResult();
// result handling here


Async Task Error Handling

What you can do (I'm using this trick in my app) is this:

protected Object doInBackground(Object... arg0) {
try {
return null;
catch(Exception ex)
return ex;

protected void onPostExecute(Object result) {
if(result != null && result instanceof Exception) {
String errText = ((Exception)result).getMessage();
//now deal with your exception on the UI thread

Managing exception in AsyncTask

I got the solution. Maybe, it is not the best one.

I get the lastBackup outside AsyncTask, this way I can declare throws BackupException.

 public void remote(final Backup backup) throws BackupException {
final File lastBackup = getLastBackup();
AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
BackupSendInfo sendInfo = new BackupSendInfo()
.setDeviceId("Desconocido") //TODO leer dispositivo del fichero deviceName

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