App-Release-Unsigned.Apk Is Not Signed

Error: The apk for your currently selected variant (Unknown output) is not signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (debug)

The problem occurs if Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) is higher than 7.0.0-alpha08. So downgrading to 7.0.0-alpha08 solves the problem. By doing so, you must also downgrade to Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) Canary 8 because later versions require their corresponding AGP or the latest one. I'm not happy with the downgrade solution. But this is the only way for the tests to run at the moment.

Android Studio Archives

Unsigned Release APK not installing

First of all, it's not a bug.
Not allowing unsigned apks to install is one of security features. And unsigned apks have some use cases.

It's confusing but correct way ,for most of android app developers, to build a relase build, for public release, is Build -> Generate Signed Bundle / APK... .

Build -> Build Bundle(s) / APK(s) is for developpers and if signing setting is not set, it will generate unsigned apk. Signing setting can be set from File -> Project Structure... ->
Modules/app -> Signing tab and Build Types tab -> release -> Signing Config.

Unsigned apk can also be signed with tools other than Android Studio. Publishers like Google, Amazon etc also do like this. They sign (wrap) apks with signatures other than the signatures which developpers have signed. "When to sign" is separated from build process, but it doesn't mean allowing unsigned apks to install on devices.

There are developper tools like apksigner, and it's one of tools. Developpers have rights to select signing tools. Unsigned apks are for them, I think.

Just for knowledge:

Some guys seems to find a way to temporally disable such security features like this.

Cordova app-release-unsigned.apk not working

You can only install signed apps on an android device.

Even a debug version of an app is signed with a debug key. You will need to sign your APK with apksigner after you generate it.

android studio error: app-release-unsgined.apk is not signed

I you don't want to add the to your Gradle file the signing information, you can just change to the debug mode for your current build type:

Sample Image

If you want to add the signing information to your build.gradle just do the following:

signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file("release.keystore")
storePassword "******"
keyAlias "******"
keyPassword "******"

generate signed apk is not working, apk is unsigned

After updating to 3.3, many problems are occuring related to signing an APK. Sometime it doesn't sign the apk and sometime it says the key is not private.

Well i also faced this problem after upgrading to android studio 3.3 and i resolved in 3 steps. But firstly make sure you backup your whole project.

  1. In Android Studio goto File > Project Structure and untick from "use embedded JDK" then click OK
  2. Goto Computer Settings (system settings) (win + pause key) then go to Advanced system settings>Environment variables. if JAVA_HOME not present then add it and set path to your installed JDK.

    As i couldn't find a direct approach to modify jdk path in my project that is upgraded in some way to android studio 3.3 settings, i did following(for the last step) BUT MAKE SURE YOU MAKE BACKUP BEFORE THIS.
  3. To make sure where i am guiding come to project view, I deleted ".grade", ".idea", "capture", "gradle" folders from the root and "build", "release", "lib" folder from "app" leaving "src" as it is. Deleted root.iml and did not delete app.iml file Then rebuild the project and then created the Signed package.

It went successful after 2 try. To be very honest i did the last step twice by restoring files from backup. As deleting these folders i messed up 1 time.

No unsigned apk when trying to run release apk?

This was an ionic-cli bug, updating to the latest ionic-cli fixed it for me.

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