App Is Misconfigured for Facebook Login: Android Facebook Integration Issue

App is misconfigured for Facebook login: Android Facebook integration issue

I work at Facebook, and this is an important issue that needs to be addressed. The other answer for this question suggests that disabling SSO is very bad and will open up your app to malicious apps that can steal your user's Facebook credentials.

The hack launches a WebView dialog to Facebook without SSO, and the user must type their login credentials into that dialog. Malicious apps can then steal this information easily. It is always advised to implement Facebook SSO correctly to ensure that your app is secure and protect your user's sensitive data.

Prior to adding this error message, the dialog would automatically close without warning and fail silently. We added this error message to visually display that there is an issue with your app configuration in your Facebook app dashboard. For Android, if you check your LogCat, you'll see that after pressing "Okay", there should be an error message that will display a more technical description of what is causing the authentication to fail.

For example, if you use our Hackbook example and did not supply your own APP_ID in the source and did not add your hash key to the dashboard, you'll see this error in LogCat after pressing "Okay" in the native SSO dialog (if Util.ENABLE_LOG is set to true):

D/Facebook-authorize(24739): Login failed: invalid_key:Android key mismatch. Your key "uk3udeH7vrOGNFH2FJjdJbdWJWI" does not match the allowed keys specified in your application settings. Check your application settings at

We added the visual error message to help you. This, in theory, does not break previous implementations if it was implemented correctly to begin with. If you see this error message, that means you did not configure your app settings correctly on your dashboard.

Double check your Android Class/Package name, Android hash keys, etc. You will not see this message if you did everything correctly.

In summary, you are getting that error message because there is an issue with your app configuration, for example, a mismatch between the Android hash keys in your dashboard. Before Facebook added this error message, the dialog would launch, then automatically close and fail. To fix this, check your LogCat for any error messages and make sure that you have everything implemented correctly. You can read up on our documentation to make sure you have everything correct. Do not use the accepted answer for this question.

You can also follow the external bug report that a Facebook developer has reported for more updates.

Application is misconfigured for Facebook Integration

Have you tried checking logcat to see what kind of error message is displayed after pressing the "Okay" button? You mentioned you have already set your own APP_ID, but did you put your Android Hash Key in your dashboard?

If you still can't get it to work, follow the steps here in our documentation to see if you can set it up and authenticate with our sample app. The sample app is guaranteed to work if you have implemented it correctly - if you can't set up Hackbook to work correctly, then you can't set up your own app correctly. If you are able to get Hackbook working, then you just need to make sure you're doing the same thing in your app to work.

MyApp is misconfigured for Facebook login

I believe you would be getting the Facebook Error when you try to login.
You have to solve this yourself! :(…but yeah first find out what the problem is. Try to log the error (in the onFacebookError method, add a log entry and log the error details) and then you should be able to see the description of what exactly is going wrong; that should be a good start.

app is misconfigured for facebook login

Hi I found that the both the debug and release hash keys had to be added to the facebook developer console. Facebook has a brand new error message that really helps. When the hash key is wrong, there is a message saying what that hash key is!!!!!!!! copy paste into facebook developer console!!!!! YEAH

Configuring app to facebook Error : App is misconfigured for Facebook login..

I got the same error a few days ago, in my case it was due to android key mismatch.
here is how i fixed it if it may help u too,

Open in facebook sdk,
set private static boolean ENABLE_LOG=true;
now run your app and enter the your email id and password,facebook sends back a signature if there's a key mismatch. you'll find this key(signature) in logcat. Just copy this key and paste it in app dashboard.
That should fix the problem.
Remember to set private static boolean ENABLE_LOG=true; back to false

app is misconfigured for facebook login on some devices

I would like to suggest to you to upgrade to latest Facebook SDK 3.0 for Android. Please take a look here:

And here's the guide to upgrade from 2.x to 3.x:

About your problem, sometimes I get it too and seems a random facebook error.

App is misconfigured for Facebook login - not returning the logcat, after setting ENABLE_LOG to true in

Assuming you're using the latest 3.0 SDK, try the following two options:

Option 1: (Windows)

%KEYTOOLPATH%\keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%\.android\debug.keystore | %OPENSSLPATH%\openssl sha1 -binary | %OPENSSLPATH%\openssl base64


C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin\keytool" -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Home\.android\debug.keystore" | "C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl" sha1 -binary | "C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl" base64 

Use the password: android

Option 2: (Print key hash sent to FB)

(A variation of Facebook SDK for Android - Example app won't work)

Add this code to your activity:

    try {
PackageInfo info = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo("your package name, e.g. com.yourcompany.yourapp]", PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);
for (Signature signature : info.signatures) {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
Log.d("KeyHash:", Base64.encodeToString(md.digest(), Base64.DEFAULT));
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {

} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {


In HelloFacebookSampleActivity, make the following temporary modification to the onCreate() method

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
try {
PackageInfo info = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo("com.facebook.samples.hellofacebook", PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);
for (Signature signature : info.signatures) {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
Log.d("KeyHash:", Base64.encodeToString(md.digest(), Base64.DEFAULT));
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {

} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {



Run your sample and you should get logcat output on the KeyHash tag similar to:

12-20 10:47:37.747: D/KeyHash:(936): 478uEnKQV+fMQT8Dy4AKvHkYibo=

Use that value in Facebook's App Dashboard settings for your app.

App is misconfigured for Facebook Login in Android

This is very major problem, while work with Facebook SDK and it means which keyhash you have generated that is wrong:

Please follow below steps:

  1. Project (RightClick) > Android Tools > Export Signed Application Package
  2. Export Android Application : Select Project > Next
  3. Create New Keystore > Select Location to Save and give name as Project.keystore > Enter Password | Confirm Password
  4. Key Creation- Enter Alias Name, password, Validity, Organisation Name > Next
  5. Select path to save apk file, name it as Project.apk > Finish

Now follow below steps:

  1. Download OpenSSL and save it into C:/
  2. Copy all DLLs files from OpenSSL folder
  3. Browse Java bin folder and paste these DLLs here along with keystore (Project.keystore)
  4. Now open command prompt and follow this tutorial link:

App misconfigured - Could not log in to Facebook when official Facebook app is installed

If you are trying to upload your app on Google Play or if there is the default Facebook App is installed in your phone, then you need a different KeyHash. Because, when you developed your Facebook app you have registered your Facebook app with a key hash which is created by using the default debug.keystore.

So, now you need a different KeyStore to generate the different KeyHash. You need a signed KeyStore, which you get by the help of this tutorial. After generating a new keystore, generate a key hash and register your Facebook app with this new key hash. This should work.


You should check your .apk key hash to be sure you have registered with this key hash. You should check out these: Key hash for Android-Facebook app and App is misconfigured for Facebook login - not returning the logcat, after setting ENABLE_LOG to true in

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