Android - Sms Broadcast Receiver

Android - SMS Broadcast receiver

android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED has a capital T, and yours in the manifest does not.

Please bear in mind that this Intent action is not documented.

SMS Broadcast Receiver in Oreo+

I finally figured out what was wrong. Apparently, Android version Oreo+ does not deliver implicit broadcasts any more* (i.e., those specified in the manifest file <receiver>). You now must explicitly register your receiver (i.e., with registerReceiver()) in your code.

(*Note: Mike M correctly pointed out that received SMS broadcasts are excluded from this restriction according to Android doc, but nonetheless this was not so for me in practice).

So what I did to make this work was:

  • Completely Remove <receiver> from manifest.
  • Create an instance of my receiver and an intentFilter in my activities onCreate();

        MyReceiver = new SmsRecv();
    MyFilter = new IntentFilter(Telephony.Sms.Intents.SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION );
  • Register the receiver in my Activity's onResume().

        i = registerReceiver( MyReceiver, MyFilter);  
  • Unregister the receiver in my Activity's onPause(). (This is neccessary to prevent leaks).

        unregisterReceiver( MyReceiver );

With the changes, the app worked perfectly.

How to get sms data in a Broadcast receiver

Here's your problem:

registerReceiver(..., new IntentFilter(SENT));

You're registering that Receiver for the action you're using for the sent confirmation, not for the SMS_RECEIVED action, which is what is broadcast when a message arrives.

The sent PendingIntent is used to confirm that the message has successfully left the device. The resulting Intent from that will not have any message PDUs on it, which is why you're crashing.

The action you need to register an incoming SMS Receiver for is "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED", or the constant Telephony.Sms.Intents.SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION, if you're compiling with API 19 or above.

To address the specific questions:

  1. Do I need the Receiver/Intent-filter block in my manifest, and if so, how do I name the listener in the first line?

Registering a Receiver in the manifest will allow your app to receive messages even when it's not already running, or in the foreground. If you don't need to do that, you don't necessarily need to register in the manifest. However, if the user navigates away from your Activity before receiving the message, the paused Activity won't get the broadcast.

The "safest" way to handle it would be to register in the manifest, but there you're registering a class, not a dynamic instance. You would need to create a MyBroadcastListener class, and somehow notify the Activity from that upon receipt; e.g., using startActivity(), or LocalBroadcastManager, or some other event bus implementation, etc.

  1. What is the likely reason I can not receive a copy of the incoming message in onReceive(), and what should I do to correct it?

As mentioned above, the PendingIntent passed in the sendTextMessage() call is for sent confirmation. Its resulting Intent won't have the incoming message on it. You just need to listen for the correct broadcast.

  1. Do I need to send a message and "catch it" in onReceive() in order to reliably get the devices phone number, or can I request permission to read SMS from the user, and just read the first message to get the incoming phone number?

You need to actually send a message. Incoming messages won't have the recipient number attached.

SMS receiver stops working after sometime

Finally, made it working in higher versions too, just by adding


in the receiver tag in AndroidManifest.xml

and made it something like -

        <receiver android:name=".receiver.SmsListener"
<intent-filter android:priority="999">
<action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" />


SMS BroadcastReceiver stops working after sometime

The issue was the the EMUI, MIUI etc were killing the background tasks. After whitelisting the app, it works fine now.

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