Android Logcat Logs Chatty Module Line Expire Message

Can we turn off chatty in logcat?

I also can't find documentation, but according to Issue 202457 - android - Disable chatty filtering of log messages (I/chatty ... expire N lines) - Android Open Source Project - Issue Tracker the command you want is

adb logcat -P ""

Why does Android Studio's logcat not fully output logs?

While looking at your Logcat, you should look at the timestamp on the left-hand side. 18:43:24.215 for example. the .215 is the milliseconds. And if you look at the output ending in the same millisecond, you can see that you're outputting about 20 lines of output per millisecond.

Now, looking at your output where you're skipping numbers, look at the milliseconds.

18:43:24.215 : i :446
18:43:24.216 : i :447
18:43:24.216 : i :448
18:43:24.216 : i :449
// it's skipping here //
18:43:24.219 : i :601
18:43:24.219 : i :604

It skipped about 3 milliseconds.

So, what's happening is you are logging out everything, it's just overloading LogCat with too much to print out.

If you do really want to log out all this information, you need to change how you're logging.

For example, you could create a String, append each loop, and then log the full output when it's done. Note, you could use a StringBuilder for even better results.

// Create a String to hold all the log information.
String log = "";

for (int i=0 ;i < (mSpaceCount + mPulseCount); i++) {
// Append the log information to our String.
// Add a "\n" to add a new line at the end of each line.
log += "~~~~m_bitDateF[i] : " + m_bitDateF[i] + " i :" + i + "\n";

// Finally, log the output.
Log.i("flag", log);

Android Logcat: Why does logging come through in bursts?

The problem was caused by another error. I have a flood of "Called unimplemented OpenGL ES API" errors being logged continuously into logcat and I was using a filter for my app. These floods of errors were causing delays in my debug appearing. Problem was solved by fixing the flood of errors.

How to do debug logging robustly from framework ui code?

I found the following directories that each process can apparently create files in and write to; so, make each process create a file for its logging/tracing in the respective directory.
There are apparently two cases which must be treated completely separately.

  • "system_process" (aka "system_server" aka "system") (NOT the same as "") can write to:

    • Environment.getDataDirectory() = "/data"
    • Environment.getDownloadCacheDirectory() = "/data/cache"
    • Environment.getDataSystemDirectory() = "/data/system"
  • All other processes that make UIs can write to:

    • context.getExternalCacheDir() = "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/"
    • context.getExternalFilesDir(null) = "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/"
    • context.getCacheDir() = "/data/user/0/" or "/data/user_de/0/"
    • context.getFilesDir() = "/data/user/0/" or "/data/user_de/0/"

Note: the string literals listed above are what I observed each function to return on my emulator built from AOSP sources; I wouldn't assume it's safe to hard-code them.

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