Android/Java: Transition/Migration from Proguard to R8

When using R8 on Android, do I need to uninstall my existing Proguard?

You don't actually remove the proguard rules, as R8 works with Proguard rules in compat mode. For more details, please refer to

R8 is available with Android Studio 3.3 beta and works with Proguard rules. To try it, set the following in your project's file:


But for the full mode, it is not directly compatible with Proguard.

Edit #1

Check here for how to migrate Proguard to R8: Android/java: Transition / Migration from ProGuard to R8? does not seem to work with R8

Add this line to

android.enableR8 = true

And try below code inside your

-keep public class ** {
public *;
protected *;


Edit #1

Check here for how to migrate Proguard to R8: Android/java: Transition / Migration from ProGuard to R8?

R8 FullMode Debug throwing Transition XXX is not a valid framework Transition or AndroidX Transition

It was a bug in R8.

Workaround for the issue is to add a proguard rule for:

- keep class androidx.transition.FragmentTransitionSupport

Android R8 not obfuscating class names

As per WorkManager's proguard file, it is expected that all classes that extend ListenableWorker (and its subclasses, such as Worker) are kept. This is because the name of the class is the unique key in WorkManager's internal database.

R8 issue: Unable to set up Proguard minifyEnabled because of error GC overhead limit exceeded

R8 is the new code shrinker from Google. If you are using Gradle plugin version 3.4.0 and above, R8 is on by default.

The issue occurs because R8 and Proguard don't work together properly.
Adding line to fixed it.


Also, you may find this info useful

proguard problem after updating to android gradle plugin 3.5

I should exclude cached objects from obfuscating but temporarily I disabled R8 and enabled proguard, by adding this line to file:


And adding this line to app build.gradle file:

useProguard true
minifyEnabled true

And the problem solved.

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