Android - How to Get View from Context

How can I get context from a view?


context = context;


this.context = context;

so that you set the value of your field. As it stands, you are setting a method parameter to itself.

How to get Context in Android MVVM ViewModel

What I ended up doing instead of having a Context directly in the ViewModel, I made provider classes such as ResourceProvider that would give me the resources I need, and I had those provider classes injected into my ViewModel

Getting activity from context in android

From your Activity, just pass in this as the Context for your layout:

ProfileView pv = new ProfileView(this, null, temp, tempPd);

Afterwards you will have a Context in the layout, but you will know it is actually your Activity and you can cast it so that you have what you need:

Activity activity = (Activity) context;

What is 'Context' on Android?

Putting it simply:

As the name suggests, it's the context of the current state of the application/object. It lets newly-created objects understand what has been going on. Typically you call it to get information regarding another part of your program (activity and package/application).

You can get the context by invoking getApplicationContext(), getContext(), getBaseContext() or this (when in a class that extends from Context, such as the Application, Activity, Service and IntentService classes).

Typical uses of context:

  • Creating new objects:
    Creating new views, adapters, listeners:

     TextView tv = new TextView(getContext());
    ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(getApplicationContext(), ...);
  • Accessing standard common resources:
    Services like LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE, SharedPreferences:

    getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences(*name*, *mode*);
  • Accessing components implicitly:
    Regarding content providers, broadcasts, intent

     getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().query(uri, ...);

Android context for LayoutInflater

First of all you have to initialize LayoutInflater like this

LayoutInflater mInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

And them inflate your view like this

view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.your_layout, null);

Get root view from current activity

If you need root view of your activity (so you can add your contents there) use


Also it was reported that on some devices you have to use



Please note that as Booger reported, this may be behind navigation bar (with back button etc.) on some devices (but it seems on most devices it is not).

If you need to get view that you added to your activity using setContentView() method then as pottedmeat wrote you can use

final ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) ((ViewGroup) this

But better just set id to this view in your xml layout and use this id instead.

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