Android:Google Maps API Key Signup:Md5 Certification Key

Android:Google Maps API Key Signup : MD5 certification key

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_04\bin>keytool.exe -V -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Documents and Settings\IBM\.android\debug.keystore" -storepass android -keypass android

Consider your jdk-bin path in the first path place and your home user directory in the second path. For windows 7 it is likeC:\Users\username\.android\debug.keystore

Use the above command you will get all the keys.

The google API key is here.

Google Maps API for Android, getting SHA1 cert instead of MD5

Use JDK version 1.6 instead of 1.7 because 1.7 generates the fingerprint with SHA1 by default.
or you can use (-v) option of the keytool to give you all supported algorithms output and you will find the MD5 in it. for examble : keytool -v -list -keystore [your keystore path] and then enter the password which is [android] by default (you can get the keystore path from Eclipse window>Prefs>Android>build).


Getting a MD5 signature for the Google API

Follow the steps here to find your MD5 fingerprint. Then enter the fingerprint here to obtain your API key. The API key is what you need to put in your layout file which is explained in the "Hello, MapView" tutorial.

Java Android Google Map API sign up . MD5 certificate fingerprint and not SHA1

And here is the solution to your problem

  1. Open Command Prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin(might be different in your case).

  2. As you are following this solution that means you have keystore with you.If yes move to step 3. else create a new keystore like mentioned in this.

  3. Type the following command keytool.exe -v -list -keystore " <path_of_keystore_youhave_created_in_step_2>" it will ask for password use the same password you have used while creating keystore and you will get SHA1 MD5 and many information you have provided while creating keystore.

Obtaining Google map API key

The problem was that it was outputting SHA1 certificate and i needed MD5. I have given the solution to this problem here.

Can't get MD5 to get maps api key?

With JDK 1.7 installed, keytool outputs by default SHA1 fingerprint, not MD5. Adding -v option allows to see MD5 as well.

-v for verbose..

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