Android Fragment No View Found For Id

Android Fragment no view found for ID?

I was having this problem too, until I realized that I had specified the wrong layout in setContentView() of the onCreate() method of the FragmentActivity.

The id passed into FragmentTransaction.add(), in your case, must be a child of the layout specified in setContentView().

You didn't show us your onCreate() method, so perhaps this is the same problem.

No view found for id when using Fragments

Ok. I opened your project in Github.

Error is here:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
fmTrans.add(, menuFragment);

You are adding the fragment into fragmentContainerID. However, that view was not added to the Activity (leading to the view not found error).

So, in order to fix, I think you just need to apply the layout to the main activity. Something like:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// Add this after super.onCreate()


And as I said in one of my comments, I think you don't need the code below at I think you can remove it.

MenuFragment menuFragment = new MenuFragment();
((MainActivity)getActivity()).addFragment(menuFragment, true, "Menu");

No view found for id 0x7f0a000e for fragment SettingsFragment

How does your MainActivity XML layout look like?
Citing your code:

fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment);

Your problem is most likely that there is no view with id SettingsFragment in your layout.

The first argument given to replace should point to the fragment container in your layout file. E.g. if your layout includes:

android:name="com.example.ExampleFragment" />

Then it would be fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment);
See also and

Depending on your use case, you could also open your settings in a new activity instead of replacing a fragment inside the MainActivity.

Android No view found for id for fragment

Okay i found an answer.
The problem was that fragment cannot be a child of a 'Dialog'.
Since i used popup dialog, it was unable to put fragments inside the dialog.

i solved by inflating views rather than using fragments in tablayout.

No view found for id 0x7f080032 for fragment

You cannot just call the activity from this Fragment, replace




So you should have:

activity?.supportFragmentManager?.beginTransaction()?.replace(, manageGivenTaskDetailsFragment)?.addToBackStack(null)?.commit()

This should work.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id 0x1020002 (android:id/content) for fragment

When you use fragmentTransaction.replace(,fragment) it will remove any fragments that are already in the container and add your new one to the same container.

Now i can suggest you 2 things.First, if you want to use fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment); which you are doing right now,then don't set content for your Activity using setContentView.This should work fine then.To know what exactly is you can refer this stackoverflow question and answer

Or Secondly, In the layout of your Activity have a FrameLayout whose id is content. And then use

fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment);  
fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack(null);//add the transaction to the back stack so the user can navigate back
// Commit the transaction

Hope this helps.

More Info:

From your comments it seems that you are having some problem in getting the idea of using FrameLayout in your Activity's layout(Not of any of the Fragment's layout).From the Documents

FrameLayout is designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single item. Generally, FrameLayout should be used to hold a single child view, because it can be difficult to organize child views in a way that's scalable to different screen sizes without the children overlapping each other.

So the main purpose of FrameLayout is to block the area required to fit the largest child view. If you use a FrameLayout as Fragment Container you can ensure that you always have the space available to accommodate the largest Fragment's layout.

So you can have your FrameLayout something like this in your Activity's layout xml file

<!--you can put your existing views of your current xml here, so yes your entire xml is now inside this FrameLayout -->

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id 0x184f (unknown) for fragment DiscDispFragment

When you write:

DiscDispFragment fragment = new DiscDispFragment();
FragmentManager fmt = getChildFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fmt.beginTransaction();
fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment);

What you're saying is that you want:

  1. To create a new DiscDispFragment instance
  2. Using the getChildFragmentManager() means you want the new Fragment to be fully contained within the parent fragment's view - in this case, your DiscFragment's getting_started layout
  3. Replace any existing Fragment in the container with your new DiscDispFragment, adding the DiscDispFragment's layout to that container.

The reason you're getting an error is that is not a FrameLayout or other ViewGroup within your DiscFragment's layout.

To solve this, you have a couple of options:

  • If you actually do want your DiscDispFragment as a child Fragment of DiscFragment, then you need to add a FrameLayout or FragmentContainerView to its layout which is where your DiscDispFragment will be added to.
  • If you don't want DiscDispFragment to be a child fragment, then you need to not use getChildFragmentManager(). requireActivity().getSupportFragmentManager() would be the activity's FragmentManager (where you'd use a container ID in the Activity's layout) or you'd use getParentFragmentManager()/getFragmentManager() (depending on what version of Fragments you're using) to access the same FragmentManager that you added DiscFragment to (where you'd use whatever container ID you originally added DiscFragment to).

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