Android App Not Install. an Existing Package by the Same Name with a Conflicting Signature Is Already Installed

Android App Not Install. An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

The problem is the keys that have been used to sign the APKs, by default if you are running directly from your IDE and opening your Emulator, the APK installed in the Emulator is signed with your debug-key(usually installed in ~/.android/debug.keystore), so if the previous APK was signed with a different key other than the one you are currently using you will always get the signatures conflict, in order to fix it, make sure you are using the very same key to sign both APKs, even if the previous APK was signed with a debug-key from another SDK, the keys will definitely be different.

Also if you don't know exactly what key was used before to sign the apk and yet you want to install the new version of your app, you can just uninstall the previous application and reinstall the new one.

Hope this Helps...


APP not installed an existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

See what happens: most probably you'd compiled a DEBUG version of app and distributed it your own way. At that time your IDE used a debug certificate which is auto created every time you install IDE/SDK. Now, some time has passed and you'd switched your working PC/notebook OR you'd reinstalled the IDE/SDK OR you'd switched lets say from Eclipse to AndroidStudio OR changed your OS from Win7 to Win8 or Ubuntu, no matter what you did but as a result the brand NEW debug certificate was generated and used now. And most probably you'd lost your previous debug certificate 4ever (depends how this happens).

The certificate itself stands for a unique fingerprint and each debug or release certificate has its own unique fingerprint. That fingerprint is the signature Android talking about. Every apk is signed using certificate and has its signature, its mandatory.

So, since you are using a different debug key store certificate you are NOT ABLE to do what you want. The right scenario is to create a release certificate (key store) and to sign you app with it and then distribute app any way you want. This way you should also save your release certificate and reuse it later to sign any upcoming updates.

As for now you should restore your certificate you'd signed your apk with or the only way your users has now is to uninstall and then install.

An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed error on APK install

You can't upgrade with new keystore as @orip said.

You could ask your developer to send you keystore file. Otherwise you will have to change package name, sign with a new keystore and upload as a new application.

an existing package by the same name with a confilcting signature is already installed

I had the same issue, you need to the running app have the same signature as what you are upgrading to. When you run the app through the emulator it gets the dev signature.

What I did was run the emulator, remove the program, then do a manual install of my app from the internet, then tested the upgrade by having my app upgrade itself. Both were signed with the production signature, so it was able to happen.

For more info reference: Android App Not Install. An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

package conflicts with an existing package by the same name

If you have the old apk you can use this to get the details of the cert used to sign it. (Extract the CERT.RSA file from the apk -unziping it-, then running the openssl aplication on that file.)

unzip -p App.apk META-INF/CERT.RSA |openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -noout -print_certs -text

Then use keytool (that comes with java) to list the certificates from your key store, and see if you find a match, or if the certificate you think is the correct really matches.

For your reference:

Getting certificate details from an apk

How do I find out which keystore was used to sign an app?

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