Android App Installation Failed: Package Com.My.App Has No Certificates at Entry Androidmanifest.Xml

Android App Installation Failed: Package has no certificates at entry AndroidManifest.xml

Try to signed your APK with version 1. Version 2 signed APK only
compatible from 7.0 so it will not working on below 7.0 devices or try
to generate v1 and v2 version APK.

[ Note: When you generate signed apk for above 7.0 devices and below 7.0 devices then please check v1 and v2 both option. ]

Here is the reference link for more about V2 version and here is the link for overview.

Try this out and Your issue will resolved.

PackageParserException: Package ...base.apk has no certificates at entry AndroidManifest.xml

Today I've updated Android Studio to 3.3 and encountered the same issue.

I fixed it after delete Build folder, Clean Project, Invalidate Caches/Restart.
And after that I could generate signed application via Build -> Generate Signed Bundle/APK with only V1 signature.

Build signed application with signingConfigs release still doesn't work.

You can try my solution.


Did you edit the AndroidManifest.xml directly in the .apk file? If so, that won't work.

Every Android .apk needs to be signed if it is going to be installed on a phone, even if you're not installing through the Market. The development tools work round this by signing with a development certificate but the .apk is still signed.

One use of this is so a device can tell if an .apk is a valid upgrade for an installed application, since if it is the Certificates will be the same.

So if you make any changes to your app at all you'll need to rebuild the .apk so it gets signed properly.

Android app fails to install on 4.2.2. but works on newer versions.

JDK 8 keytool uses SHA256 as default whereas Android 4.3 and below only support APKs being signed with SHA1.
Use the following command to generate a certificate with the appropriate algorithm:

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA ...

You may check your old and new certificate with

keytool -list -v -keystore <CERTIFICATE-STORE>

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