Use Binding≪Int≫ With a Textfield Swiftui

Use BindingInt with a TextField SwiftUI

Actually , you can binding manyTypes with TextField:

      @State var weight: Int = 0
var body: some View {

TextField("Weight", value: $weight, formatter: NumberFormatter())

SwiftUI TextField does not accept integers/double. How to do so?

SwiftUI’s components expect to have two-way bindings to properties, using something like @State, Have you used @State before declaring the num1 property ?

you can do something like this :

Declare the variable num1 as

@State private var num1 = ""

You TextField cant directly take Integer or Double input, you have to take only String input and can Typecast the required value during evaluation, as

print("Input taken is : \(Double(num1))")

Optional chaining the binding value in SwiftUI textfield

When use the "dot chaining" syntax on a Binding its a shortcut syntax for creating a Binding. It doesn't have the same semantics "lookup a property of this thing" that the dot syntax usually holds.

So $ is not going to resolve the binding of food then reference one of its properties. It going to create a two-way Binding<String> to the name property of the food.

Similarly, when you have $food.macroProfile the value of that expression is a Binding<MacroNutrientProfile?>... a binding that will directly change a value in food (and the value it can change is an optional). It is not a resolution of the binding $food followed by referencing one of that object's properties.

$food.macroProfile?.carb is nonsensical because $food.macroProfile is of type Binding<MacroNutrientProfile?> which is not an optional type. So you see errors.

$ is not nonsensical because it is a Binding<String> and you're not trying to treat a non-optional value as an optional.

One way to change it is to use a custom binding:

struct Food: Codable, Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var name: String = ""
var energy: Float?
var water: Float?
var macroProfile: MacronutrientProfile?

struct MacronutrientProfile: Codable {
var carb: Float?
var protein: Float?
var fat: Float?

struct SomeView : View {
@State var food: Food
let gram = NumberFormatter()

var body : some View {
let carbBinding = Binding<Float?>(get: { food.macroProfile?.carb },
set: { newValue in food.macroProfile?.carb = newValue })

return HStack {
TextField("Grams", value: carbBinding, formatter: gram)

How to bind an observable objects published integer variable to a textField in SwiftUI?

Make it non-optional and remove the $ before $objectHeight. Only leave the ViewModel one


Recognize changes in SwiftUI TextField with double value

On iOS 15 you can use TextField ("Hello", value: $someDoubleValue, formatter: <your NumberFormatter here>) and the value propagates fine.

On iOS 14, it doesn't seem to work binding a TextField to a Double value with a formatter.

So the following works fine in iOS 15, but does not work in iOS 14.

Note The double value is nested here because this is a code snippet taken from what I'm working on right now.

public class MyViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var child: ChildObject

public class ChildObject: Identifiable, ObservableObject {
@Published var doubleValue: Double

public struct FancyPantsView: View {
@ObservedObject var viewModel: MyViewModel

public var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField ("Hello", value: $viewModel.child.doubleValue, formatter: amountFormatter)

let amountFormatter: NumberFormatter = {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.zeroSymbol = ""
return formatter

Formatting a BindingString that's within my TextField

I ended up utilizing to get this to work. I used this gist to integrate it with SwiftUI.

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