Table View Cellforrowatindexpath Warning

Table View cellForRowAtIndexPath warning

Just add the declaration of implementing UITableViewDataSource protocol to the class definition like this:

class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {}

UITableView method cellForRowAtIndexPath not called

Got it!

Had the same problem - I also have added a tableview into a uiviewcontroller and it also not worked, but I know the problem now.

If you add the tableview on interface builder AND click after that "Add Missing Constraints", it'll add constraints that can't work together.

At my position I had the tableview on my whole uiview and after click on "Add Missing Constraints", it will add this here:

Sample Image

And now if you delete one of the Trailing or Leading Alignments, it will work - cellforrowatindexPath will get called! Don't know why it is like that, but it will work.

Hope I can help you.

UITableViewDelegate cellForRowAtIndexPath not called

cellForRowAtIndexPath may not be called because one(or more) of the following reasons:

  1. numberOfRowsInSection returns 0
  2. numberOfSectionsInTableView return 0
  3. dataSource not properly set
  4. heightForRowAtIndexPath returns 0
  5. table has frame size of 0 for height and/or width

In your case my best shot is number 1(place a breakpoint in the method to see how many rows you are returning when table ask for rows count). My worst experience was with debugging number 5 :)

table view Warning

tableView:accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath: is deprecated in iPhone OS 3.0 with the following note:

Use the accessory-view and accessory-type properties (for both normal and editing modes) of the UITableViewCell class when configuring table-view cells.

They mean you should set accessoryType/accessoryView properties in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: instead.

Incompatible pointer types warning with custom UITableViewCell

I'm not 100% sure but did you try casting the cell?

UserFavoriteCell *cell = (UserFavoriteCell *)[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];

warning in uitableview

Do exactly what the warning message says: remove the implementation of tableView:accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath: and set the cell's accessoryType and editingAccessoryType in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: instead.

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