Swiftui. How to Change the Placeholder Color of the Textfield

SwiftUI. How to change the placeholder color of the TextField?

There is no api for it (yet). BUT YOU CAN:

Use a custom placeholder modifier to show any view as the holder of any other view! e.g:

TextField("", text: $text)
.placeholder(when: text.isEmpty) {
Text("Placeholder recreated").foregroundColor(.gray)


It's a simple ZStack that you can in a View extension like:

extension View {
func placeholder<Content: View>(
when shouldShow: Bool,
alignment: Alignment = .leading,
@ViewBuilder placeholder: () -> Content) -> some View {

ZStack(alignment: alignment) {
placeholder().opacity(shouldShow ? 1 : 0)

Now you can apply any kind of style to the placeholder like this gradient placeholder with image:


✅ If you are interested, Here is how to apply resizable gradient on any view

The Art of the simplicity

Most of the time you need to pass just a string and a gray placeholder like:

TextField("", text: $text)
.placeholder("Placeholder", when: text.isEmpty)

you can write a simple wrapper around the above extension for it:

extension View {
func placeholder(
_ text: String,
when shouldShow: Bool,
alignment: Alignment = .leading) -> some View {

placeholder(when: shouldShow, alignment: alignment) { Text(text).foregroundColor(.gray) }

Just like that /h4>

How Can I Adjust TextField Placeholder Color : SwiftUI

You cannot change the default color of the placeholder yet. However, you can achieve it by writing a custom TextField using either UITextField or UITextView. Here is an example where I created a custom TextArea View using UITextView where I can set custom color to the placeholder. See my comment below in makeUIView(_:)

struct TextArea: UIViewRepresentable {
@State var placeholder: String
@Binding var text: String

func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
Coordinator(self, placeholder: placeholder)

func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UITextView {
let textView = UITextView()
textView.text = placeholder

// Here you can set the color for placeholder text as per your choice.
textView.textColor = .lightGray

textView.delegate = context.coordinator
return textView

func updateUIView(_ textView: UITextView, context: Context) {
if !text.isEmpty {
textView.text = text
textView.textColor = .black

class Coordinator: NSObject, UITextViewDelegate {
var textArea: TextArea
var placeholder: String

init(_ textArea: TextArea, placeholder: String) {
self.textArea = textArea
self.placeholder = placeholder

func textViewDidBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) {
if textView.textColor == .lightGray {
textView.text = nil
textView.textColor = .black

func textViewDidEndEditing(_ textView: UITextView) {
if textView.text.isEmpty {
textView.text = placeholder
textView.textColor = UIColor.lightGray


The above text area can be used in the view like this:

 TextArea(placeholder: textValue, text: $textValue)

How can I change fontWeight of a placeholder in SwiftUI?

for TextField you use

.font(Font.custom("Life Savers", size: 26).weight(.heavy))

Changing Placeholder Text Color with Swift

You can set the placeholder text using an attributed string. Just pass the color you want to the attributes parameter.

Swift 5:

let myTextField = UITextField(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 30))
myTextField.backgroundColor = .blue
myTextField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(
string: "Placeholder Text",
attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]

Swift 3:

myTextField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(
string: "Placeholder Text",
attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]

Older Swift:

myTextField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(
string: "Placeholder Text",
attributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.white]

SwiftUI - How do I change the text color of a Textfield?

.foregroundColor actually does change the text color of TextField but only when it has a default value, for example this will work fine:

TextField(.constant("Hello World"), placeholder: Text("Type here..."))

But once you remove the whole text, text field loses not only its color but the rest of its modifiers such as its alignment as well. This is likely a bug in the current version so I'll file a bug report.

Update: This issue was fixed with Xcode 11 beta 3.

SwiftUI textfield color

Find below a demo of some possible approach. Also might worth considering representable around UITextField as it is much more configurable.

Tested with Xcode 11.7 / iOS 13.7


struct PlaceholderTextFieldStyle: TextFieldStyle {
let placeholder: String
@Binding var text: String

init(_ placeholder: String, text: Binding<String>) {
self.placeholder = placeholder
self._text = text

func _body(configuration: TextField<Self._Label>) -> some View {
ZStack {
if text.isEmpty {

struct DemoView: View {
@State private var pass = ""

var body: some View {
SecureField("", text: $pass)
.textFieldStyle(PlaceholderTextFieldStyle("Password", text: $pass))


change color of uitextfield not working in swiftui

I want to keep it always black.

Use .black color instead

TextField(self.textFieldTitle ?? "", text: self.$textFieldInput, onEditingChanged: { editing in self.dosomeCode()}, onCommit: { self.someCode()})
.foregroundColor(Color.black) // << here !!


Tested with Xcode 13.2 / iOS 15.2

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