Sknode Subclass Generates Error: Cannot Invoke Initializer for Type "X" with No Arguments

SKNode subclass generates error: cannot invoke initializer for type X with no arguments

If you look at The Swift Programming Language: Initialization, under Automatic Initializer Inheritance, one of the rules for automatically inheriting a superclass's designated initialisers is:

If your subclass doesn’t define any designated initializers, it
automatically inherits all of its superclass designated initialisers.

This assumes you provide default values for any new properties you introduce.

Since you're defining the designated initialiser init(gridWidth: CGFloat, deviceHeight: CGFloat) your subclass doesn't inherit init() from SKNode. Therefore, to be able to use StatusScreen() you need to override init() in your StatusScreen class:

class StatusScreen: SKNode {
// ...

override init() {

// Do other stuff...

Now you can use:

let node1 = StatusScreen()
let node2 = StatusScreen(gridWidth: 100, deviceHeight: 100)

Hope that helps!

Cannot invoke initializer for type 'CustomDetailView' with no arguments

By adding the following code in custom class, the issue is fixed

 convenience init() {

Error passing a SKNode as parameter for a function

In the target/action pattern the (first) parameter of any action is required to be the object which performs the action

@objc func swipedRight(_ sender: UISwipeGestureRecognizer) { ... }

and add the selector just with the method name

swipeRightRec.addTarget(self, action: #selector(swipedRight))

But as the node is a property anyway it's not necessary to pass it as parameter.

Can't call function in different class, error: Cannot invoke with my parameter type

grav is an instance method. You are calling it on the class while you should call it on an instance of the class.

Comparing struct values which are inside class

This gets a little cumbersome since goalDifference is optional but here is a solution with a function that compares self with another team. I assume that this is sports related and that goals always start at 0.

extension Team {
private static let emptyGoalsDifferenc = GoalsDifference(scoredGoal: .zero, passedGoal: .zero)
func best(goals: KeyPath<GoalsDifference, Int>, comparing other: Team) -> Team? {
let ownDifference = self.goalsDifference ?? Self.emptyGoalsDifferenc
let otherDifference = other.goalsDifference ?? Self.emptyGoalsDifferenc

let ownGoals = ownDifference[keyPath: goals]
let otherGoals = otherDifference[keyPath: goals]

if ownGoals == otherGoals { return nil }
return ownGoals > otherGoals ? self : other


var team1 = Team(name:"Team one", goalsDifference: .init(scoredGoal: 3, passedGoal: 5))
var team2 = Team(name:"Team two", goalsDifference: .init(scoredGoal: 3, passedGoal: 2))

let bestScored = \.scoredGoal, comparing: team2)
let bestPassed = \.passedGoal, comparing: team2)

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