Nehotspothelper.Register Not Received Call Back Ios11

How can I get available WiFi list with NEHotspotHelper (IOS, objective-c)

It's worth highlighting that it's not actually possible to get a list of available Wifi hotspots on an iOS device. Please have a read of this post:

Apple Developer Forums: List available wifi network

Connect to the Wi-Fi network from within the app without internet access

I found that developer need to bind the request with the received command before making web request to the connected network. All you need to do is to make NSMutableURLRequest and then call hitTestURLRequest.bind(to: command) because bind function is defined in the category of NSMutableURLRequest.

Related question:

How get a list of networks SSIDs, which is able for Device in search moment?

Looks like, you cannot simply access that info using Captive network Api's. You can get the details of the wifi your device is currently connected to using CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo

you can get ssid details using NEHotspotHelper in Network Extension, but you need to get access from Apple before using NEHotspotHelper.

Using NEHotspotHelperCommandType =>
FilterScanList(Filter the Wi-Fi scan list) and Evaluate(Evaluate the network). you can get all available NEHotspotNetwork(whcih will contain ssid, bssid, and signalStrength) after registeration is successful

Reference :

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