How to Move Application's Window Between Virtual Desktops in Os X

How can I move application's window between virtual desktops in OS X?

I have found answer by my self. This could be done by adjusting window behaviour.

let window = NSWindow...

Window is shown on all virtual desktops:

window.collectionBehavior = NSWindowCollectionBehavior.CanJoinAllSpaces

Window follows active virtual desktop:

window.collectionBehavior = NSWindowCollectionBehavior.MoveToActiveSpace

Keeping a window on the active OS X desktop

If you set the window flag Qt::Popup it should display on the active desktop space, it's how QMessageBox works IIRC and that definitely displays on the active desktop space.

Edit; shows how to do it using the Cocoa bridge.

Keep a application window always on current desktop on linux and mac

Thanks to Jan Kundrát for his help (Previous comment ).

Solution for linux X11 :

#ifdef Q_WS_X11 //only define on Qt 4.X 
#include <QX11Info> //Only on Qt 4.X , return expected in Qt 5.1
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>

YourWidget::YourWidget(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::YourWidget)

#ifdef Q_WS_X11 //only define on Qt 4.X
unsigned long data = 0xFFFFFFFF;
XChangeProperty (QX11Info::display(),
XInternAtom(QX11Info::display(), "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", False),
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&data), // all desktop

Put this on your .pro

unix:!macx {
LIBS += -lX11

Solution for macos X :

#include <objc/objc-runtime.h>

WId windowObject = this->winId();
objc_object * nsviewObject = reinterpret_cast<objc_object *>(windowObject);
objc_object * nsWindowObject = objc_msgSend(nsviewObject, sel_registerName("window"));
int NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces = 1 << 0;
objc_msgSend(nsWindowObject, sel_registerName("setCollectionBehavior:"), NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces);

Put this on your .pro

macx {
LIBS += -lobjc

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