How to Know Where Optional Chaining Is Breaking

How to know where Optional Chaining is breaking?

Don't do the chain then. The chain is only interesting if you don't intend to stop. If you do, break it up at interesting spots - otherwise, where would you put in the code for the bad cases?

if let residence = john.residence {
if let address = residence.address {
} else {
println("missing address")
} else {
println("missing residence")

How does the JavaScript optional chaining(?.) operator works?

Its called "chaining" operator. It moves from left to right. if it sees ?. it checks the left value if its undefined. if yes, it returns undefined and stops moving to the right. that means if b is already undefined it wont check the values on the right side

How to use optional chaining in Node.js 12

Optional chaining is currently not supported in Node.js version 13 and below. It will be supported from Node.js version 14 and most of the browsers as it is moved to Stage 4. Currently, few platforms are supporting it. You can find the list of platforms supporting optional chaining in the given link. You can enable optional using --harmony flag.

optional chaining operator working on local host but not in production

It appears that your value that is expected to be the actual array is actually null or undefined. To prevent the error there are two courses of action you can take:

  1. ensure the array is never null or undefined (via default arguments or other means)
  2. use optional chaining syntax on the array itself:
const customFieldName = customFields?.[0]?.customFieldName || "Custom Field";
// ^ optional chaining added here

Regarding browser support, as long as you are using a proper babel configuration for the feature, or in your case create-react-app >=3.3.0, you should have no issues with browser support. Babel will just transpile the new syntax to valid, cross-browser code, like this:

var _customFields, _customFields$;

var customFieldName = ((_customFields = customFields) === null || _customFields === void 0 ? void 0 : (_customFields$ = _customFields[0]) === null || _customFields$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _customFields$.customFieldName) || "Custom Field";

How to chain attribute lookups that might return None in Python?

You might be able to use reduce for this:

>>> class Foo(object): pass
>>> a = Foo()
>>> = Foo()
>>> = Foo()
>>> = Foo()
>>> = Foo()
>>> reduce(lambda x,y:getattr(x,y,''),['foo','bar','baz','qux'],a)
<__main__.Foo object at 0xec2f0>
>>> reduce(lambda x,y:getattr(x,y,''),['foo','bar','baz','qux','quince'],a)

In python3.x, I think that reduce is moved to functools though :(

I suppose you could also do this with a simpler function:

def attr_getter(item,attributes)
for a in attributes:
item = getattr(item,a)
except AttributeError:
return None #or whatever on error
return item

Finally, I suppose the nicest way to do this is something like:

title =
except AttributeError:
title = None

Check for browser optional chaining support in Angular project

As I've already went with one of the options described in the question, I thought it would be good to answer it.

In my first attempt, I've tried the "third party library" solution, but it didn't work: when there's a syntax error (which is the case if we use optional chaining in a browser without support), the exception happens before the browser actually runs that code, leading to two results:

  • The exception won't be caught in a try/catch block;
  • The current "execution context" will end abruptly.

So, I needed a way to run the "checker code" in a separate context, in order to keep my main thread (and consequently, my app) from dying. Also, I needed a way to check if the code ran successfully or not.

The final solution I've come up with is a mix between two of the options: I've created a library which loads a simple script testing for optional chaining support, returning a Promise with a boolean indicating the browser's support.

The script is loaded dinamically, by adding a temporary script tag (which isolates the execution from the main context, preventing the SyntaxError from killing the app). In order to improve security, I've used the integrity attribute.

If anyone is going through the same issue, you can use my solution by installing the npm library optional-chaining-checker and following the instructions. I've tried to make it as customizable as I could, but if it doesn't attend your needs, feel free to check out my repository and adapt the code at will!

JS optional chaining clarification

Let's say you define variable like below

const variable = { value: 'test' };

then you want to access variable?.value it equals variable === null || variable === undefined ? undefined : variable.value.

Same with array.

Check typescript playground and see js output

Optional Chaining in JavaScript returns undefined instead of null when the variable to be tested is null

An optional chain does not evaluate to the nullish value on which the property was accessed, but to undefined - just like you get undefined when a property does not exist in an object.

Conceptually, think of person?.street not as

person && person.street

but rather as

(person ?? {}).street

Though accurately (especially when chained further, since it does short-circuit instead of evaluating the rest of the chain) it's really

person != null ? person.street : undefined

See also the FAQ on the optional chaining proposal:

Why does (null)?.b evaluate to undefined rather than null?

Neither a.b nor a?.b is intended to preserve arbitrary information
on the base object a, but only to give information about the
property "b" of that object. If a property "b" is absent from a,
this is reflected by a.b === undefined and a?.b === undefined.

In particular, the value null is considered to have no properties;
therefore, (null)?.b is undefined.

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