Firestore Search Array Contains For Multiple Values

Firestore search array contains for multiple values

It would be tempting to to look for documents that match multiple conditions, by chaining the conditions in the query:

.whereField("vitamins", arrayContains: "B6")
.whereField("vitamins", arrayContains: "C")

But the documentation on compound queries suggests that you cannot currently have multiple arrayContains conditions in a single query.

So, it is not possible with what you have today. Consider instead using a map structure instead of an array:

title: "Banana"
vitamins: {
"potassium": true,
"B6": true,
"C": true

Then you could query like this:

.whereField("vitamins.B6", isEqualTo: true)
.whereField("vitamins.C", isEqualTo: true)

Firestore: Multiple 'array-contains'

Firestore launched another feature similar to the in query, the array-contains-any query. This feature allows you to perform array-contains queries against multiple values at the same time.

ref = ref.where('node_sku' , 'array-contains-any' , list);

Firestore - Array contains any

Firestore array contains query for list of elements

Firestore can now check for these condition on array fields:

  • Whether the field contains a specific value with array-contains.
  • Whether the field contains any of a list of (up to 10) values with array-contains-any.

What you're describing is an array-contains-all like operation, which currently doesn't exist. And you can't create it by combining multiple array-contains checks, as you can only have one of those in a query. You might want to file a feature request for it.

The best option today are to:

  1. Pick one value from the array, and perform an array-contains query with that value. Then you do the additional filtering in your application code.
  2. Use a map to store the values, and then use multiple where value == true conditions, as shown in the answer to this question: Firestore: Multiple 'array-contains'

Firestore query - array contains all

As long as you are working with list type fields as you are now, there isn't going to be a way to query that you would find efficient. If you copy the data into a new map type field, it will be possible.

facilities: {
'kettle': true
'microwave': true
'cooker': true

With this map containing known boolean values, you can query like this:

.where("facilities.kettle", "==", true)
.where("facilities.microwave", "==", true)
.where("facilities.cooker", "==", true)

How to query a firestore array with multiple key value pairs in Swift

You can pass the entire object in an array-contains clause.

So something like:

.whereField("groupMembership", arrayContains: [
"groupId": "kmDT8OUOTCxSMIBf9yZC",
"groupName": "Jon and Charles Group",
"membershipStatus": "pending",

The array item must completely and exactly match the dictionary you pass in. If you want to filter only on some of the properties in each array element, you will have to create additional fields with just those properties. For example, it is quite common to have say a field groupIds with just the (unique) group Ids, so that you can also filter on those (of course within the limits of Firestore's queries).

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