Firebasefirestoreswift Won't Install (Cocoapods)

FirebaseFirestoreSwift won't install (CocoaPods)

Change to pod 'FirebaseFirestoreSwift', '> 7.0-beta'

Staring with the 7.0.0 release, Firebase is now indicating beta status with a version tag instead of a 0 major version. More details in the release notes.

Error Installing 'pod Firebase/Firestore' in my iOS app

Ok so after some struggle I got the solution to my problem. My pod repo was somewhat outdated and because of that I was unable to install the pod. The error in the terminal was reading something like 'Unexpected token by boringSSL...'

I performed the following commands to remove my pod repository and reinstalled it, after which the pod installed correctly:

pod repo remove master
pod setup
pod install

pod update doesn't update to latest version

Removing and reinstalling of cocoapods solved the problem:

MACMINI:myproject myusername$ sudo rm -fr ~/.cocoapods/repos/master
MACMINI:myproject myusername$ pod setup
Setting up CocoaPods master repo
Setup completed
MACMINI:myproject myusername$ cd ~/myproject/
MACMINI:myproject myusername$ pod update
Update all pods
Updating local specs repositories
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing AFNetworking 2.6.3 (was 2.5.4)
Installing Bolts 1.5.0 (was 1.2.0)
Using Countly (15.06.01)
Installing FBSDKCoreKit 4.8.0 (was 4.4.0)
Installing FBSDKLoginKit 4.8.0 (was 4.4.0)
Installing FBSDKShareKit 4.8.0 (was 4.4.0)
Installing GoogleMaps 1.10.5 (was 1.10.1)
Using MONActivityIndicatorView (0.0.3)
Using MagicalRecord (2.3.0)
Using NYXImagesKit (2.3)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Sending stats
Sending stats
Pod installation complete! There are 9 dependencies from the Podfile and 10 total pods installed.

Firestore installation using Cocoapods

Firestore requires latest CocoaPods. As per Google developer

It should get better with CocoaPods 1.9.0 which is adding the
capability to specify dynamic/static linkage for each pod in the

Please check this link

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