Count the Number of Lines in a Swift String

Count the number of lines in a Swift String

If it's ok for you to use a Foundation method on an NSString, I suggest using

enumerateLines(_ block: @escaping (String, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)

Here's an example:

import Foundation

let base = "Hello, playground\r\nhere too\r\nGalahad\r\n"
let ns = base as NSString

ns.enumerateLines { (str, _) in

It separates the lines properly, taking into account all linefeed types, such as "\r\n", "\n", etc:

Hello, playground

here too


In my example I print the lines but it's trivial to count them instead, as you need to - my version is just for the demonstration.

Counting lines in Swift

This is the solution to the problem I found so I will leave it here in case someone else finds it useful.

var text = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"
for var range = text.startIndex...text.startIndex; range.endIndex < text.endIndex;
range = range.endIndex..<range.endIndex {
range = text.lineRangeForRange(range)

Count lines in the file Swift

Try changing the terminator to "\n".

It is possible your file has Unix-like line endings. Meaning lines will be terminated with \n.

Unix-like systems (such as OS X and iOS) typically terminate lines with \n.
Windows terminates lines with \r\n.


Count number of lines in a txt/log -file, swift

I can't help you with swift but the logic would assume you proceed like this :
(which seems very close to what you did)

  1. Get your file in a string. You've done that.
  2. Separate that string in an array (with a redundant character that would mark the end of the line in your document or an newline character (\n) ) You've done that.
  3. simply count the items in the array (You're using a string in a way that eludes me because i can't really read swift)

I'm guessing

var myCount = textArr.count  

That would give you an int which you can do whatever you want with.

Note though that if you want to access that line in the array you'll have to use n-1 because, as you most certainly know, if your count is 1, the item is at index count-1 so zero. which is also maybe why you're getting an out of bounds error

How to count characters excluding new lines in Swift?

You can use filter(isIncludedIn:) to exclude something from a Sequence:

let str = "abc\ndef\nghi"
let charsNumber = str.characters.filter {$0 != "\n" && $0 != "\r"}.count
print(charsNumber) //-> 9

If the str is very large, this may be a little more efficient:

let charsNumber = str.characters.lazy.filter {$0 != "\n" && $0 != "\r"}.count

How to find actual number of lines of UILabel?

Firstly set text in UILabel

First Option :

Firstly calculate height for text according to font :

NSInteger lineCount = 0;
CGSize labelSize = (CGSize){yourLabel.frame.size.width, MAXFLOAT};
CGRect requiredSize = [self boundingRectWithSize:labelSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName: yourLabel.font} context:nil];

Now calculate number of lines :

int charSize = lroundf(yourLabel.font.lineHeight);
int rHeight = lroundf(requiredSize.height);
lineCount = rHeight/charSize;
NSLog(@"No of lines: %i",lineCount);

Second Option :

 NSInteger lineCount = 0;
CGSize textSize = CGSizeMake(yourLabel.frame.size.width, MAXFLOAT);
int rHeight = lroundf([yourLabel sizeThatFits:textSize].height);
int charSize = lroundf(yourLabel.font.lineHeight);
lineCount = rHeight/charSize;
NSLog(@"No of lines: %i",lineCount);

SwiftUI Text Editor how can I keep track of the number of lines in the editor

I got it to work smoothly and I just needed to make a few changes . With the changes below I just track the size of the Text instead of the number of lines and update the TextEditor accordingly . For the number of lines it only worked when I would press enter .

struct CommentVTestView: View {
@State var Posting = ""
@State var height: CGFloat = 30.0
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {

TextEditor(text: $Posting)
.font(Font.custom("Helvetica Neue", size: 15))
.padding([.bottom], 5)
.frame(width: 200, height: height)

.frame(width: 190)
.font(Font.custom("Helvetica Neue", size: 15))
.fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
.background(GeometryReader { proxy in
.onChange(of: self.Posting, perform: { value in
if proxy.size.height > height {
height = proxy.size.height + 17.0



Counting the number of lines in a UITextView, lines wrapped by frame size

This variation takes into account how you wrap your lines and the max size of the UITextView, and may output a more precise height. For example, if the text doesn't fit it will truncate to the visible size, and if you wrap whole words (which is the default) it may result in more lines than if you do otherwise.

UIFont *font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:11.0];
CGSize size = [string sizeWithFont:font
lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap]; // default mode
float numberOfLines = size.height / font.lineHeight;

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