Check for Nil with Guard Instead of If

Check for nil with guard instead of if?

Like some people already answered, you can use let

guard let preview = post["preview"] else { /* Handle nil case */ return }

If you are not using the variable, you can use an underscore to not declare the variable and avoid the warning.

guard let _ = post["preview"] else { /* Handle nil case */ return }

You can also do a regular boolean check instead of using let

guard post["preview"] != nil else { /* Handle nil case */ return }

A more general case for a boolean check on a guard

guard conditionYouExpectToBeTrue else { /* Handle nil case */ return }

If you want to be able to modify the variable, you can use var instead of let

guard var preview = post["preview"] else { /* Handle nil case */ return }

Swift 3.0

You can combine var/let with a boolean check by using commas between the statements.

guard let preview = post["preview"], preview != "No Preview" else { /* Handle nil case */ return }

Swift 2.x

You can combine var/let with the boolean check by using where where

guard let preview = post["preview"] where preview != "No Preview" else { /* Handle nil case */ return }

using guard to check for nil without implicitly unwrapping

In your guard code you would have to have a return statement in the else block. Like this...

guard json["error"] == nil else {
let error = json["error"]!
// handle error

// handle success

But you are correct. Having to force unwrap the error is not ideal.

So in this case. I think guard is the wrong solution. Instead use if but return from the conditional block. This removes the need for using an else block.

if let error = json["error"] {
// handle error

// handle success...
// no need for else block. Just return from the if in the error case.

The difference between guard let and if let is where the unwrapped optional is scoped.

With guard it is scoped outside the block with if it is scoped inside the block.

Swift guard check for nil file - unexpectedly found nil

Combining guard and forced-unwrapping is an oxymoron. One of the common uses of guard is guard let which safely guards against nil and eliminates the need to force-unwrap.

I would redo your code to something like:

guard let imagePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: imageName, ofType: "png"), let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imagePath) else {
print("\(imageName).png file not available")

// Use image here as needed

If you don't actually need the image but you just want to make sure an image can be created, you can change that to:

guard let imagePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: imageName, ofType: "png"), UIImage(contentsOfFile: imagePath) != nil else {
print("\(imageName).png file not available")

Having said all of that, if the image is actually supposed to be in your app bundle and it is simply a temporary issue such as forgetting to target the file properly, then don't use guard and go ahead and force-unwrap. You want the app to crash during development early on so you can fix the problem.

let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: Bundle.main.path(forResource: imageName, ofType: "png")!)!

One last thing. You can more easily get the image using:

let image = UIImage(named: imageName)!

Guard Let statement not triggering even when values are nil

If you are just checking that the text field is empty then you can do something like:

let estimatedHeight = estimatedHeightTextField.text,
let locationDescription = descriptionTextView.text,
else {
nameRequiredLabel.isHidden = false
heightRequiredLabel.isHidden = false
descriptionRequiredLabel.isHidden = false
print("User did not put in all the required information.")

Checkout out this answer:

guard let found nil

selectedRooms.text cannot return nil.

A UITextField and UITextView always returns a String value. An empty String ("") is returned if there is no text in the UITextField and UITextView. That's the reason else part is not executing and rooms value is nil.

Now, in the below statement you're force-unwrapping(!) the rooms.

x = Int(ceil(sqrt(Double(rooms!))))

But, since the rooms is nil, so forcefully unwrapping it is throwing runtime exception.


You need to add an empty check as well for the else part to take effect, i.e.

guard let numberOfRooms = selectedRooms.text, !numberOfRooms.isEmpty else { //here...
return selectedRooms.placeholder = "type something"

How to use guard in swift instead of if

you can use guard as well and your code will be more readable

let firstName = "First"
let lastName = "Last"
let address = "" // empty

if firstName != ""
if lastName != ""
if address != ""
print(1,firstName,lastName, address)
} else {
print(1,"address is empty")
} else {
print(1,"lastName is empty")
} else {
print(1,"firstName is empty")

func foo(firstName: String, lastName: String, address: String) {
guard !firstName.isEmpty else { print(2,"firstName is empty"); return }
guard !lastName.isEmpty else { print(2,"lastName is empty"); return }
guard !address.isEmpty else { print(2,"address is empty"); return }

print(2,firstName,lastName, address)

foo(firstName, lastName: lastName, address: address)
1 address is empty
2 address is empty
foo(firstName, lastName: lastName, address: "Address")
2 First Last Address

Swift: Benefit of using a guard-statement?

I don't think that is a very good example of using guard, it is more common to use it with variables that might be nil (aka optional) or functions that might return nil. I suggest you read about the guard statement in the Swift Programming Language book (just scroll down a bit to "Early Exit")

We could make a better example from your code that is lacking some validation

func getEmail(email: String?) -> String? {
guard let input = email, !input.isEmpty else {
return nil

return input + ""

Here we use guard to check that the parameter email is not nil by assigning it to a local variable input. If it is nil the function will return nil and otherwise it will check if it is empty and then it will also return.

If it is ok the function will continue and create and return an email address. Note that the function is declared to return an optional string since I think it is much clearer if a function like this returns nil rather than an empty string if it fails.

Swift why unwrapping optional by guarding against NIL is not working

The type of s is still Optional, so whether you did a nil check or not is irrelevant. The nil check is done in runtime, while the type system is doing a compile-time check. The only way to ensure s can never be nil is via optional binding if let or guard let.

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