Bridgetoobjectivec Not Available on Swift Beta 5

bridgeToObjectiveC not available on Swift Beta 5

Use as to cast to NSString for the same effect:

("string" as NSString).localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare("other string")

Or like this with optional chaining:

("string" as NSString?)?.localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare("other string")

bridgeToObjectiveC() not available for Array in Swift

Note that Swift has a 'find' function that you can use to see if an element is in an array or not:


It will return nil if the item is not found. You should probably use this instead of contains.

bridgeToObjectiveC and makeObjectsPerformSelector in Swift beta 5

The bridgeToObjectiveC and bridgeFromObjectiveC functions are not available in Xcode 6.0 beta 5. Instead, cast to/from the appropriate Foundation type when you need to use that type's API on a Swift object. For example:

var arr = ["One", "Two"]
(arr as NSArray).indexOfObject("One")

Apple has warned against (or explicitly made unavailable) using performSelector and related methods since the first Swift beta. Presumably any such API that were still available before beta 5 were unintentionally so.

As the question you cited notes, you can use map to call a function/method on every element of an array. You can also use filter, find or a for-in loop, or after casting to NSArray, one of the enumerateObjects methods. Note that many consider it bad style to use the functional-programming constructs (map, filter, reduce, find) for tasks that aren't "functional" -- that is, to run code that has side effects. So a for-in loop might be the cleanest way to do what you're after.

String to float conversion in Swift Beta 5

floatValue is a method of NSString.

Since bridgeToObjectiveC() is no longer available with Xcode 6 Beta 5, you can use the as operator to cast your Swift String to NSString:

(device.systemVersion as NSString).floatValue 

removal of bridgeToObjective-C means I can't use NSRange

Here is a func that will take an NSRange and replace a portion of a String:

func replaceRange(nsRange:NSRange, #ofString:String, #withString:String) ->String {
let start = nsRange.location
let length = nsRange.length
let endLocation = start + length
let ofStringLength = countElements(ofString)
if start < 0 || endLocation < start || endLocation > ofStringLength {
return ofString
var startIndex = advance(ofString.startIndex, start)
var endIndex = advance(startIndex, length)
var range = Range(start:startIndex, end:endIndex)
var final = ofString.stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(range, withString:withString)
return final
var original = "This is a test"
var replacement = "!"
var nsRange:NSRange = NSMakeRange(1, 2)
var newString = replaceRange(nsRange, ofString:original, withString:replacement)


newString:!his is a test

NSString does not have a member named bridgeToObjectiveC

bridgeToObjectiveC() was removed in Xcode 6 Beta 5. Now bridging is transparent, simply use

if urlContent.containsString("<span class=\"phrase\">") {

‘CGFloat’ is not convertible to ‘UInt8' and other CGFloat issues with Swift and Xcode 6 beta 4

Since Swift doesn't have implicit type conversions, you must specify all the type conversions that take place. What makes this case particularly tedious, is that currently Swift seems to lack direct conversions between CGFloat and types such as UInt32, and you must go through an intermediate type as you've discovered.

In the end, two double conversions are needed for the arc4random_uniform:

let bounds = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 500.0, 500.0)
var x = CGFloat(UInt(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(UInt(bounds.size.width) * 5))))
x -= bounds.size.width * 2
let center = CGPointMake(x, -bounds.size.height)

Alert that can work on iOS 7 and iOS 8

  • Explicitly add UIKit in the "Link Binary With Libraries" section of your project's build phases.

  • You can test for the existence of UIAlertController like this:

    if NSClassFromString("UIAlertController") != nil {
    // Use it
    } else {
    // Fall back
  • I wrote a wrapper that works on both iOS 7 and iOS 8. You can find it here. It takes a view controller followed by a bunch of optional arguments and any number of buttons:

    showAlert(self, style: .ActionSheet, sourceView: cell, completion: {
    tableView.deselectRowAtIndexPath(indexPath, animated: true)
    (.Default, "Send clipboard", {
    if someCondition {
    // completion must be specified because of a Swift bug (rdar://18041904)
    showAlert(self, title: "Nothing to send", message: "The clipboard is empty.", completion: nil,
    (.Cancel, "OK", nil)
    (.Cancel, "Cancel", nil)

Swift String in String

In Swift is it called rangeOfString


returns a range

{Some "1..<4"}

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