Access Class Property from Instance

How to access class instance attributes indirectly?

Use the getattr() function to get an attribute of an object if you have its name in a variable, and setattr() to set it in similar circumstances.

class Test:
def __init__(self):
self.testval = 0

A = "testval"

setattr(test, A, 1)

You can also define your class to have a __setitem__ method; then you can use dictionary-like syntax to set attributes.

class Test:

def __init__(self):
self.testval = 0

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
setattr(self, key, value)

A = "testval"

test[A] = 1

Finally (well, there are other ways you can handle this, but I'm only going to mention one more)... finally, you could make a class that holds a reference to an object and an attribute name. This is convenient when you want to pass around such references.

class Test:
def __init__(self):
self.testval = 0

class IndirectAttribute:

def __init__(self, obj, attr):
self.obj = obj
self.attr = attr

def set(self, value):
setattr(self.obj, self.attr, value)

test = Test()
A = IndirectAttribute(test, "testval")


Can I access a class variable from an instance?

Use self.__class__.classAttr. This should work for both old & new style classes.

Why does getting a class property from an instance raise an AttributeError?

That is due to the way attribute lookup works. Upon trying to retrieve an
attribute in an instance, Python does:

  1. call the instance's class __getattribute__(not the metaclass __getattribute__), which in turn will:

    1. Check the instance's class, and its superclasses following the method resolution order, for the attribute. It does not proceed to the class of the class (the metaclass) - it follows the inheritance chain..

      1. if the attribute is found in the class and it has a __get__ method, making it a descriptor: the __get__ method is called with the instance and its class as parameters - the returned value is used as the attribute value
        • note: for classes using __slots__, each instance attribute is recorded in a special descriptor - which exists in the class itself and has a __get__ method, so instance attributes for slotted classes are retrieved at this step
      2. if there is no __get__ method, it just skips the search at the class.
    2. check the instance itself: the attribute should exist as an entry in the instances __dict__ attribute. If so, the corresponding value is returned. (__dict__ is an special attribute which is accessed directly in cPython, but would otherwise follow the descriptor rule for slotted attributes, above)

    3. The class (and its inheritance hierarchy) are checked again for the attribute, this time, regardless of it having a __get__ method. If found, that is used. This attribute check in the class is performed directly in the class and its superclasses __dict__, not by calling their own __getattribute__ in a recursive fashion. (*)

  2. The class (or superclasses) __getattr__ method is called, if it exists, with the attribute name. It may return a value, or raise AttributeError(__getattr__ is a different thing from the low level __getattribute__, and easier to customize)

  3. AttributeError is raised.

(*) This is the step that answers your question: the metaclass is not searched for an attribute in the instance. In your code above, if you try to use A.cls_prop as a property, instead of A().cls_prop it will work: when retrieving an attribute directly from the class, it takes the role of "instance" in the retrieval algorithm above.

(**) NB. This attribute retrieval algorithm description is fairly complete, but for attribute assignment and deletion, instead of retrieval, there are some differences for a descriptor, based on whether it features a __set__ (or __del__) method, making it a "data descriptor" or not: non-data descriptors (such as regular methods, defined in the instance's class body), are assigned directly on the instance's dict, therefore overriding and "switching off" a method just for that instance. Data descriptors will have their __set__ method called.

how to make properties defined in the metaclass work for instances:

As you can see, attribute access is very customizable, and if you want to define "class properties" in a metaclass that will work from the instance, it is easy to customize your code so that it works. One way is to add to your baseclass (not the metaclass), a __getattr__ that will lookup custom descriptors on the metaclass and call them:

class Base(metaclass=Meta):
def __getattr__(self, name):
metacls = type(cls:=type(self))
if hasattr(metacls, name):
metaattr = getattr(metacls, name)
if isinstance(metaattr, property): # customize this check as you want. It is better not to call it for anything that has a `__get__`, as it would retrieve metaclass specific stuff, such as its __init__ and __call__ methods, if those were not defined in the class.
attr = metaattr.__get__(cls, metacls)
return attr
return super().__getattr__(name)


In [44]: class A(Base):
...: pass

In [45]: a = A()

In [46]: a.cls_prop
Out[46]: True

Python - how to access instance properties in parent classes with super(class, self)?

The self always refers to one and the same object. When you do super().__init__(), the self in the parent's __init__ is your instance of Child. GrandParent.__init__ just sets an attribute on that object. By chaining all those __init__s, you're in effect just doing this:

o = object()
o._name = 'grand parent'
o._name = 'parent'
o._name = 'child'

You're just overwriting the _name attribute, of which there's only one. All the different @propertys just return the value of this one _name attribute, of which your object only has one, and whose value is 'child'.

If you want your object to have a separate _name attribute per parent, you will actually have to create separate attributes. The easiest way is probably with Python's double-underscore name mangling a.k.a. "private attributes":

>>> class A:
... def __init__(self):
... self.__foo = 'bar'
... @property
... def foo(self):
... return self.__foo
>>> class B(A):
... def __init__(self):
... super().__init__()
... self.__foo = 'baz'
... @property
... def foo(self):
... return super().foo
>>> B().foo
>>> vars(B())
{'_A__foo': 'bar', '_B__foo': 'baz'}

The actual attributes are named _A__foo and _B__foo and thereby don't conflict with each other.

How do I access a property on a base class that is for a web component?

You can't access Navbar.ns because you aren't creating an instance (object) of Navbar, and this.ns will be applied for each new call to navbar, e.g. const navbar = new Navbar(); navbar.ns; // <-- wce. You aren't creating an instance of Navbar, so you can create a static field, which allows you to access a field without creating a class instance.

In base.js:

class Base extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
static get ns() {
return 'wce';

export default Base;

static allows us to access class fields without, and only without creating a new instance.

Now, when you call NavBar.ns it will return "wce" using a getter.

However, you also wanted to be able to access .ns when you (customElements.define) create a new instance. You'll have to set an addition this call:

class Base extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.ns = 'hello';
static get ns() {
return 'world';

export default Base;

In your case you can change both "hello" and "world" to "wce" if you want them to "work the same way."

Now, let's say you want to access ns, if you aren't creating an instance you would do:

NavBar.ns; // <-- "world"

But if you were creating an instance (like in customElements.define), you use the new operator to access this.ns:

const navbar = new NavBar();
navbar.ns; // "hello"

(I used "hello" and "world" instead of "wce" just for the illustration.)

Now with the added code you could use it as in your example:

                       /*  "wce-navbar"  */
customElements.define(`${NavBar.ns}-navbar`, NavBar);

Some docs about static.

ES6 class / instance properties

I don't get this; static variables in a class based language would appear to serve the same purpose as properties defined on the prototype in JS.

No, static variables are more like properties defined on the constructor. Variables on the prototype would be closer to instance variables, but they’re not nearly as useful because they’re shared between instances. (So if you modify a mutable property on the prototype, it will be reflected in all other instances of that type.)

This also answers your other questions, I think, but to recap:

  • variables on the prototype are not like static variables in that they appear to belong to every instance rather than just the class

  • variables on the prototype are not like instance variables in that each instance of the class doesn’t have its own instance of the variable

  • therefore, variables on the prototype are not that useful and they should be assigned to in the constructor (instance variables) or assigned to the constructor (class variables)

  • they’re also properties, not variables

And a non-ES6-sugared example:

function Something() {
this.instanceProperty = 5;

Something.staticProperty = 32;

Something.prototype.prototypeProperty = 977;

var s = new Something();
console.log(s.instanceProperty); // 5
console.log(s.prototypeProperty); // 977? If you want a class property,
// this is not what you want
console.log(s.staticProperty); // undefined; it’s not on the instance
console.log(Something.staticProperty); // 32; rather, it’s on the class
console.log(Something.prototypeProperty); // undefined; this one isn’t

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