What Is the Equivalent Postgresql Syntax to Oracle's Connect by ... Start With

What is the equivalent PostgreSQL syntax to Oracle's CONNECT BY ... START WITH?

Use a RECURSIVE CTE in Postgres:

SELECT key, value, 1 AS level
FROM taxonomy
WHERE key = 0

SELECT t.key, t.value, c.level + 1
FROM cte c
JOIN taxonomy t ON t.taxHier = c.key
SELECT value
FROM cte
ORDER BY level;

Details and links to documentation in my previous answer:

  • Does PostgreSQL have a pseudo-column like "LEVEL" in Oracle?

Convert oracle Sql to postgresql with CONNECT BY level

Postgres has a handy function called generate_series(), which makes this kind of task easy:

select dt::date, rn
from generate_series('2019-01-01'::date, '2019-01-09'::date, '1 day')
with ordinality as d(dt, rn)

I don't see the point for the obsfucated logic in the connect by clause of the Oracle query; the scalar subquery always evaluates as 9.

Demo on DB Fiddlde:

dt | rn
:--------- | -:
2019-01-01 | 1
2019-01-02 | 2
2019-01-03 | 3
2019-01-04 | 4
2019-01-05 | 5
2019-01-06 | 6
2019-01-07 | 7
2019-01-08 | 8
2019-01-09 | 9

ORACLE connect by to POSTGRESQL conversion

Not sure what the group by nbr is supposed to achieve - as far as I can tell this serves no purpose.

The convoluted connect by level in Oracle can be replaced with a simple generate_series() in Postgres.

So the following will generate 11 timestamp values from 2021-08-11 01:30:00 to 2021-08-11 06:30:00:

select g.dt
from generate_series(timestamp '2021-08-11 01:30:00',
timestamp '2021-08-11 06:30:00',
interval '30 minute') as g(dt)

This can then be aggregated back into a string using string_agg()

select string_agg(to_char(dt, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), ' '), 10 as nbr
from generate_series(timestamp '2021-08-11 01:30:00',
timestamp '2021-08-11 06:30:00',
interval '30 minute') as g(dt)

If you need the number of rows generated, you can use the with ordinality clause to get that:

select string_agg(to_char(dt, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), ' '), max(idx) as nbr
from generate_series(timestamp '2021-08-11 01:30:00',
timestamp '2021-08-11 06:30:00',
interval '30 minute') with ordinality as g(dt,idx)

Connect by level in Postgres on a sequence

The direct translation of that query is to use generate_series() and nextval()

select nextval('id_seq')
from generate_series(1,3);

This will advance the sequence three times.

If however the goal is to set a specific value for an existing sequence (which requires such a hack in Oracle), just use setval():

select setval('id_seq', 3);


Use a recursive common table expression:

with recursive tree as (
select wtn,
resp_tcsi as tcsi_codes
from data
where rn = 1 -- this is the "start with" part

union all

select ch.wtn,
from data as ch
join tree p
on ch.rn -1 = p.rn -- this is the "connect by" part
and ch.wtn = p.wtn
select *
from tree;

oracle sql to postgresql level query

case when date_part('month',current_date) >= 4 then
concat(date_part('year', current_date), '-', date_part('year',current_date)+1)
concat(date_part('year', current_date)-1, '-', date_part('year',current_date))
end FY
, lpad(date_part('month',d)::varchar,2,'0') MNTH
from (select DATE '2008-01-01' + (interval '1' month * generate_series(0,11)) d ) y
  • current_date (instead of sysdate)
  • + Interval 'n Month' (instead of add_months)
  • generate series (instead of connect by )
  • date_part('month',... to get the month number (instead of to_char(...,'MM') )
  • concat() for concatenations (looks after type conversions too)

sample result:

    FY  MNTH
1 2017-2018 01
2 2017-2018 02
3 2017-2018 03
4 2017-2018 04
5 2017-2018 05
6 2017-2018 06
7 2017-2018 07
8 2017-2018 08
9 2017-2018 09
10 2017-2018 10
11 2017-2018 11
12 2017-2018 12

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