SQL Query for Parent Child Relationship

query a parent child relationship in sql

Since the WHERE clause is executed after the LEFT JOIN, you can take advantage of that and add a WHERE clause to the query filtering out anything that doesn't have those values:

Select      E.*
From Event E
Left Join Diagnosis D On D.Event_FK = E.Id
Left Join Observation O On O.Event_FK = E.Id
Where D.Name = 'Cancer'
Or O.Name = 'Progressive Disease'


Id  event_type
1 diagnosis
3 observation

Note: Including the right-hand table of a LEFT JOIN in the WHERE clause typically leads to unexpected results as it essentially transforms the LEFT JOIN into an INNER JOIN by filtering out the NULL values. But in this situation, that's exactly what we want to do.

Parent Child Relationship in SQL Server 2019

The below query should work. Although it is subjected to maximum recursion permitted by database which is 100 by default in case of SQL server. So it should work till that many level of nested Parent-Child relationship.

SELECT ChildID,ChildName,ParentID,ParentName, 1 AS Level FROM parents


SELECT cte.ChildID,
FROM cte
INNER JOIN parents AS GrandParent
ON cte.ParentID=GrandParent.ChildID
SELECT ChildID,ChildName,ParentID,ParentName
SELECT cte.*,
FROM cte
) Rank_Highest_Level
WHERE rnk=1

Here is a working example in DB Fiddle.

Recursive query with parent-child relation

Just another option using the data type hierarchyid

There are some additional features and functions associated with hierarchyid


-- Optional See 1st WHERE
Declare @Top int = null --<< Sets top of Hier Try 2

;with cteP as (
Select ID
,HierID = convert(hierarchyid,concat('/',ID,'/'))
From YourTable
Where IsNull(@Top,-1) = case when @Top is null then isnull(parent_id ,-1) else ID end
--Where parent_id is null -- Use this where if you always want the full hierarchy
Union All
Select ID = r.ID
,parent_id = r.parent_id
,Name = r.Name
,HierID = convert(hierarchyid,concat(p.HierID.ToString(),r.ID,'/'))
From YourTable r
Join cteP p on r.parent_id = p.ID)
Select Lvl = HierID.GetLevel()
From cteP A
Order By A.HierID


Lvl ID  parent_id   Name
1 1 NULL P1
1 2 NULL P2
2 3 2 P2-1
2 4 2 P2-2
2 5 2 P2-3
3 6 5 P2-3-1
3 7 5 P2-3-2
1 8 NULL P3
2 9 8 P3-1

Just for fun, If I set @Top to 2, the results would be

Lvl ID  parent_id   Name
1 2 NULL P2
2 3 2 P2-1
2 4 2 P2-2
2 5 2 P2-3
3 6 5 P2-3-1
3 7 5 P2-3-2

SQL to retrieve parent-child relationship in parent-child order, from a self referencing table

What about to append an 'order' field? This may be an approach:

WITH ChildLocations(LocationId, FkParentLocationId, [Level]) 
-- Start CTE off by selecting the home location of the user
SELECT l.LocationId, l.FkParentLocationId, 0 as [Level],
cast( str( l.locationId ) as varchar(max) ) as orderField
FROM Location l
WHERE l.LocationId = @locationId
-- Recursively add locations that are children ...
SELECT l2.LocationId, l2.FkParentLocationId, [Level] + 1,
tmp.orderField + '-' +
str(tmp.locationId) as orderField
FROM ChildLocations tmp
INNER JOIN Location l2
ON l2.FkParentLocationId = tmp.LocationId
SELECT * from ChildLocations order by orderField;

Remember than Order by in an Insert is not allowed.

Take a look a sample

SQL Sever parent, child, child relationships within table

You can use a recursive query to fetch all of the related rows. Whether the data will be in the form you want, I don't know, as the question seems a bit unclear about that. But for example

Fetch a record and all descendants:

with r as (
select *
from my_table t
where id = 7
union all
select t1.*
from my_table t1
inner join r
on t1.parent_id = r.id
select * from r;

Fetch a record and all ancestors:

with r as (
select *
from my_table t
where id = 7
union all
select t1.*
from my_table t1
inner join r
on t1.id = r.parent_id
select * from r;

Now maybe you want both children and ancestors. This can get a little trickier; recursion works best in a straight line so there can be no infinite loops. One way is to union together the two above queries. If your real query has complex logic that you don't want to write twice, then you could use this to get a list of ID's and then run the real query over a select ... where id in (my_list) type query.

Another consideration is whether a record can have multiple children. If we have

A1 => A
A10 => A1
A11 => A1
A2 => A
A20 => A2
A21 => A2

you could say these are all related (through A; some are "cousins"). So if you search from A1 and union the first two example queries, you'd get A, A1, A10, A11... but would you also want the other children of A? If so you could take a slightly different approach:

First, find the eldest ancestor:

with r as (
select *
from my_table t
where id = 7
union all
select t1.*
from my_table t1
inner join r
on t1.id = r.parent_id
select id from r where parent_id is null;

Then run the original "all descendants" query against that ID. If you want to get it all into a single statement, the following *should * work I think (but I'm not where I can test it):

with ancestors as (
select *
from my_table t
where id = 7
union all
select t1.*
from my_table t1
inner join ancestors
on t1.id = ancestors.parent_id
) , related as (
select *
from ancestors
where parent_id is null
union all
select t1.*
from my_table t1
inner join related
on t1.parent_id = related.id
select * from related;

How to avoid selection of rows of parents that don't have a child, if they have children in other rows?

maybe use a query like below. this uses exists keyword to check presence of any other not null child

SELECT parent, child
FROM my_table t
SELECT 1 FROM my_table p Where p.parent=t.parent and p.child is Not null

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