Rails: Get Next/Previous Record

Rails: Get next / previous record

Try this:

class User
has_many :photos

class Photo
belongs_to :user

def next
user.photos.where("id > ?", id).first

def prev
user.photos.where("id < ?", id).last


Now you can:


Get the Next/Previous record in ActiveRecord on Ruby on Rails

I did try and error and found below is one of the solutions.

code is here.

  def next
self.class.unscoped.where("updated_at <= ? AND id != ?", updated_at, id).order("updated_at DESC").first

def previous
self.class.unscoped.where("updated_at >= ? AND id != ?", updated_at, id).order("updated_at ASC").first

test is here.

[210] pry(main)> Youtube.find(100)
Youtube Load (0.8ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE "youtubes"."id" = $1 ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1 [["id", 100]]
=> #<Youtube id: 100, author_id: 5, category_label: nil, generated_by: 1, title: "Woman's Profane Dunkin Donuts Rant Goes Viral", video_id: "-aqN7KdWgQE", created_at: "2013-09-30 18:19:42", updated_at: "2013-10-27 00:47:37", subtitles: nil>
[211] pry(main)> Youtube.find(100).next
Youtube Load (0.7ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE "youtubes"."id" = $1 ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1 [["id", 100]]
Youtube Load (95.9ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE (updated_at <= '2013-10-27 00:47:37.241076' AND id != 100) ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1
=> #<Youtube id: 99, author_id: 6, category_label: nil, generated_by: 1, title: "Editing physical locations in Google Maps", video_id: "-amPC4fcY0U", created_at: "2013-09-30 18:19:42", updated_at: "2013-10-27 00:47:36", subtitles: nil>
[212] pry(main)> Youtube.find(100).next.previous
Youtube Load (0.7ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE "youtubes"."id" = $1 ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1 [["id", 100]]
Youtube Load (68.8ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE (updated_at <= '2013-10-27 00:47:37.241076' AND id != 100) ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1
Youtube Load (79.5ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE (updated_at >= '2013-10-27 00:47:36.162671' AND id != 99) ORDER BY updated_at ASC LIMIT 1
=> #<Youtube id: 100, author_id: 5, category_label: nil, generated_by: 1, title: "Woman's Profane Dunkin Donuts Rant Goes Viral", video_id: "-aqN7KdWgQE", created_at: "2013-09-30 18:19:42", updated_at: "2013-10-27 00:47:37", subtitles: nil>
[213] pry(main)> Youtube.find(100) === Youtube.find(100).next.previous
Youtube Load (0.8ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE "youtubes"."id" = $1 ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1 [["id", 100]]
Youtube Load (4.8ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE "youtubes"."id" = $1 ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1 [["id", 100]]
Youtube Load (99.7ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE (updated_at <= '2013-10-27 00:47:37.241076' AND id != 100) ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1
Youtube Load (79.6ms) SELECT "youtubes".* FROM "youtubes" WHERE (updated_at >= '2013-10-27 00:47:36.162671' AND id != 99) ORDER BY updated_at ASC LIMIT 1
=> true

Rails best way to get previous and next active record object

There's no easy out-of-the-box solution.

A little dirty, but working way is carefully sorting out what conditions are there for finding next and previous items. With id it's quite easy, since all ids are different, and Rails Guy's answer describes just that: in next for a known id pick a first entry with a larger id (if results are ordered by id, as per defaults). More than that - his answer hints to place next and previous into the model class. Do so.

If there are multiple order criteria, things get complicated. Say, we have a set of rows sorted by group parameter first (which can possibly have equal values on different rows) and then by id (which id different everywhere, guaranteed). Results are ordered by group and then by id (both ascending), so we can possibly encounter two situations of getting the next element, it's the first from the list that has elements, that (so many that):

  • have the same group and a larger id
  • have a larger group

Same with previous element: you need the last one from the list

  • have the same group and a smaller id
  • have a smaller group

Those fetch all next and previous entries respectively. If you need only one, use Rails' first and last (as suggested by Rails Guy) or limit(1) (and be wary of the asc/desc ordering).

Rails 4: get next / previous record of an object that belongs to another object

Your solution with next and previous commands relative to date is good, but doesn't work completely because you need to order the results chronologically as well. The where will filter the ones you don't want, but you need to make sure that the rest are in the order you desire.

So you'd have something like:

def next
calendar.posts.where("time > ?", time).order(:time).first

def previous
calendar.posts.where("time < ?", time).order(time: :desc).first

I'm assuming that time is a DateTime. If it is a Time ONLY without date information, you'll urgently want to change that to a DateTime field.

Get next/previous record in Collection by Date in Rails (and handle multiple dates on the same day)

I used the method found here: Rails 5: ActiveRecord collection index_by

Which meant adding a default scope and changing GoalTask.rb to:

  default_scope { order('taskduedate ASC') }

def next_goal_task
index = goal.goal_tasks.index self
goal.goal_tasks[index + 1]

def last_goal_task
index = goal.goal_tasks.index self
goal.goal_tasks[index -1]

Rails: Previous and Next record from previous query

So, after much trial and error, here is what I came up with:

In my Photo model:

def previous(query)
unless query.nil?
index = query.find_index(self.id)
prev_id = query[index-1] unless index.zero?

def next(query)
unless query.nil?
index = query.find_index(self.id)
next_id = query[index+1] unless index == query.size

This method returns the next and previous record from a search or a particular folder view by accepting an array of those records ids. I generate that ID in any controller view that creates a query view (ie the search page and the browse by folders page):

So, for instance, my search controller contains:

def search
@search = @collection.photos.search(params[:search])
@photos = @search.page(params[:page]).per(20)
session[:query] = @photos.map(&:id)

And then the photo#show action contains:

if session[:query]
@next_photo = @photo.next(session[:query])
@prev_photo = @photo.previous(session[:query])

And lastly, my view contains:

- if @prev_photo || @next_photo
.header Related Photos
= link_to image_tag( @prev_photo.file.url :tenth ), collection_photo_path(@collection, @prev_photo) if @prev_photo
- if @prev_photo
%span Previous
= link_to image_tag( @next_photo.file.url :tenth ), collection_photo_path(@collection, @next_photo) if @next_photo
- if @next_photo
%span Next

Now it turns out this works great in regular browsing situations -- but there is one gotcha that I have not yet fixed:

Theoretically, if a user searches a view, then jumps to a photo they've generated a query in session. If, for some reason, they then browse directly (via URL or bookmark) to another photo that was part of the previous query, the query will persist in session and the related photos links will still be visible on the second photo -- even though they shouldn't be on a photo someone loaded via bookmark.

However, in real life use cases this situation has actually been pretty difficult to recreate, and the code is working very well for the moment. At some point when I come up with a good fix for that one remaining gotcha I'll post it, but for now if anyone uses this idea just be aware that possibility exists.

Link to previous/next record by specific attribute type

You can do the following:

# model
def previous_animal
self.class.order('created_at desc').where('created_at < ?', self.created_at).where(animal_type: self.animal_type).first

# view
<% if previous_animal = @animal.previous_animal %> # local assignment in the if condition
<%= link_to(previous_animal, {class: 'prev-page'}) do %>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> Meet <span class="name"><%= previous_animal.name %></span>, the <%= animal_breed(previous_animal) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
  • The previous_animal method is simplified, calling .first on an ActiveRecord::Relation can't fail, but it can return nil.
  • I used the local variable assignment in the if condition because every time you call previous_animal on the record it trigger a SQL query. This local variable kind of act like a cache (won't trigger the SQL query multiple times).

Find Next and previous records ordered by position column rails

class CourseStep < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :step
belongs_to :course

validates_uniqueness_of :step_id, :scope => :course_id

def next_step()
Course.find(self.course.id).course_steps.order(:position).where("position >= ?", self.position).limit(1).offset(1).first

def previous_step()
Course.find(self.course.id).course_steps.order("position DESC").where("position <= ?", self.position).limit(1).offset(1).first

get previous and next elements within and ordered collection

The @components object is a list of Components, not Component ids, so you have to search like this:

 index = @components.find_index(@present_component)

or maybe you wanted to do this:

 index = @components_ids.find_index(@present_component.id)

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