Rails Activerecord Where or Clause

Rails ActiveRecord where or clause

One way is to revert to raw sql...

YourModel.where("categories.id IN ? OR category_relationships.category_id IN ?", category_ids, category_ids)

Or & and in Rails ActiveRecord where clause

I may be wrong, but I don't think you could form that query using the Arel-based where function; you'd need to form up the database query string yourself.

Assuming you're using SQLite or Postgres:

Route.where("a = true and b = true and ((c > 0 and c < 1) or d = 1)").all

I haven't tested this code, but I suspect that might do the job for you. Note this is less 'portable' code; if you change the database you're using the query may break.

includes with where clause in ActiveRecord

You want to select where groups.shop_id is 1 or where there is no groups.shop_id

You can do that with a test for nil

Organisation.where(name: 'my organisation without groups').includes(:groups).where(groups: { shop_id: [nil, 1] })

Rails active record where OR clause with grandparent property

I think I finally got it:

scope.joins(story: :user).where("(stories.published = ? AND chapters.published = ?) OR stories.user_id = ?", true, true, @user.id)

Was hoping for a more non SQL statement way, but oh well, guess this will do unless someone know's the non-sql way.

How to control bracket position on ActiveRecord query with `OR` clause

You can get something similar, just without the main parentheses wrapping the where clause conditions:

User.where('foo IS NULL')
.or(User.where('10 > 20'))
.merge(User.where(bar: nil).or(User.where('10 > 1')))
# SELECT "users".*
# FROM "users"
# WHERE ((foo IS NULL) OR (10 > 20)) AND ("users"."bar" IS NULL OR (10 > 1))

Consider foo equals 1 and bar equals 2.

Active Record .includes with where clause

This is how includes is intended to work. When you add a where clause it applies to the entire query and not just loading the associated records.

One way of doing this is by flipping the query backwards:

columns = Ticket.eager_load(:columns)
.where(sprint_id: 10, columns: { board_id: 1 })

Rails 5: ActiveRecord OR query

The ability to chain or clause along with where clause in ActiveRecord query will be available in Rails 5. See the related discussion and the pull request.

So, you will be able to do the following things in Rails 5:

To get a post with id 1 or 2:

Post.where('id = 1').or(Post.where('id = 2'))

Some other examples:

(A && B) || C:


(A || B) && C:


Rails where condition and order

So it looks like given a user ID, you want a list of companies sorted by the created_at date of the bookmarks that join Users and Companies.

Am I correct in assuming that Users and Companies share a many-to-many relationship through Bookmarks?

If that's the case, the following "join" could work for you!

Company.joins(:bookmarks).where('bookmarks.user_id = ?', 7).order('bookmarks.created_at')

Of course, in your code, this could be generalized to grab companies for any user!

user_id = 42
companies = Company.joins(:bookmarks).where('bookmarks.user_id = ?', user_id).order('bookmarks.created_at')

ActiveRecord "joins" reference

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